WATCH: Bill Barr Describes the Moment He Resigned Over Election Fraud Claims – Trump SLAMS Barr

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

In an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt aired on Thursday night, former Attorney General Bill Barr described the moment he tendered his resignation to then-President Donald Trump.

Barr said he explained to Trump how each theory about widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election was wrong and volunteered his resignation if Trump wasn’t happy about it.

Trump slammed his hand down on the desk, and said “Accepted!”

Trump was clearly furious with Barr’s public remarks, and wasted no time in responding with a statement calling him “weak” and “ineffective”.

Statement by Donald J. Trump:

“Former Attorney General Bill Barr wouldn’t know voter fraud if it was staring him in the face—and it was. The fact is, he was weak, ineffective, and totally scared of being impeached, which the Democrats were constantly threatening to do. They “broke” him. He should have acted much faster on the Mueller Report, instead of allowing the fake Russia, Russia, Russia, Hoax to linger for so long, but it was the Election Fraud and Irregularities that he refused to act on because he wanted to save his own hide—and he did. He never got impeached, contempt charges never went forward, and the Democrats were very happy with him—but I wasn’t. The Unselect Committee of Political Hacks continues to spin its wheels in trying to fabricate a narrative that doesn’t exist. The only thing they refuse to look into is the massive Election Fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. It’s almost impossible to prove fraud even if it very likely happened and it would help if Trump stopped talking about it. But, it’s understandable that he does. If you believe someone took a million dollars from you, would you just “stop talking about it” or would you try to get people to understand so that they can help you even if it’s nearly impossible to prove?
    The fact that Barr says absolutely no fraud and the fact that he allowed the Russia Hoax to drag so long makes it hard to trust him.

  2. Wisconsin doesn’t want to decertify its results.
    A former Wisconsin judge hired by Republican political hacks wants Wisconsin to decertify its results.
    Big difference.
    Trump is a loser accept reality.

  3. People need to move on to other more effective candidates who can actually rewin the White House.

    I believe that the public is too tired of hearing from the Former President
    (Regardless how much I personally liked what he accomplished)

  4. Mr. Trump served his time well. Can we have him along with all his chinanigan activities again? I say SORRY, NO.

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