WATCH: Sen. Lindsey Graham Calls for Putin to be Assassinated

South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham called for the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a Fox News appearance Thursday.

“How does this end?” Graham asked. “Somebody in Russia has to step up to the plate. Is there a Brutus in Russia?”

“The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out,” Graham said. “You’d be doing your country a great service, and the world a great service.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. A more likely outcome is that Mr. Putin will have a tragic accident (e.g. falling out a window, slipping in the bathtub and hitting his head, perhaps dying of mysterious ailment while sleeping). If one studies history, you will notice that especially in non-democratic situations, leaders whose policies have failed often are accident prone. Note that the last Russian leader to be assassinated while in office was almost 150 years ago.

  2. As if the death of one person will stop this? This is not a simple “populist” celebrity whose death will disperse his followers. In fact, Putin is not even popular, BUT, his assassination could turn him into a martyr to be used by a “populist” successor to really break out nuclear weapons (especially if China is manipulating things behind the scenes to have the US and Russia blow each other up).

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