Head Torn off Wax Museum Replica of Adolf Hitler

hit de.jpg.jpgNot long after Berlin’s newest branch of the Madame Tussauds wax museum branch opened on Saturday, someone tore the head off the effigy of Adolf Hitler.

Museum officials have removed the damaged replica of Hitler and a 41-year-old male is in custody, apparently having jumped over the rope of the display to remove the head of the statue.

Apparently there has been widespread opposition against the inclusion of Hitler’s statue in the exhibit.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. May the man who tore Hitler’s head off be blessed and rewarded. He is the true gentile who is intelligent enough and emotionally stable enough to have acted out with deep sentiment and understanding.
    As Jewish people we never run around trying to get non Jews to convert. We know that they will be “saved” anyway for being good,honest and Gd fearing people even when they remain in their own religion. Gd knows us ALL.

  2. The maddame taussauds in london also has adolf hitler in it…The first time i saw it i was tempted to spit at it.

  3. nos. 1,

    Kudos! ‘Chochma B’Goyim, Taamin!’
    In Madame Tussauds in NEW YORK, the Hitler figure is put in a glass case, obviously to prevent such reactions

  4. what ever happened to Zochor es asher usoh lechu amalaik? we have to remember him, not deny him. let him stand there in his full shamefull state for everyone to be able to spit at him. germany should never forget who they elected to lead their nation. i don’t see whats wrong with having him in to museum. maybe they should also destroy all the concentration camps? no, leave them there for the world to see. for ever and ever…

  5. The obvious question is how did everyone else who saw the display restrain themselves from doing the same thing. Obviously, Hitler Y”MSH doesnt disturb too many poeple and that should disturb us.

  6. #9, tell me – how did Amalek look?
    Where is there anything brought down that zechiras amalek should be through building flattering statues of him to inspire people with his likeness?

  7. yaakovKuperman: do you really think Germany would put up something in honor of Hitler YmS”V? get rael, tey’re the last country that would do such a thing!

  8. Do they also have Stalin??

    Comment by Bas Torah — July 7, 2008 @ 5:02 pm

    thats what a wax museum is all about, do you have a picture of Haman harasha in your kids coloring book?

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