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KIDDUSH HASHEM: Frum Woman Who Went To Bais Yaakov Is Leading Charge Against Russia’s Cyberattacks

Just hours before Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Microsoft’s Threat Intelligence Center warning of a new kind of malware that was targeting Ukraine’s government ministries.

Microsoft then contacted the White House’s deputy national security advisor for cyber- and emerging technologies. Her name? Chani (Anne) Neuberger, a shomer shabbos woman.

Mrs. Neuberger asked Microsoft to share details of the malware’s code so that the Defense Department and other allies of Ukraine in Europe would be ready for it to attack, the New York Times reports.

And thus, through the mediation of Mrs. Neuberger, Microsoft began a global campaign to protect countries across the world from a suspected Russian cyberattack.

Mrs. Neuberger has been put at the helm of the Cybersecurity Directorate, a unit created last year that will “unify NSA’s foreign intelligence and cyberdefense missions and is charged with preventing and eradicating threats to National Security Systems and the Defense Industrial Base.”

Russia has long been launching cyberattacks against Western countries. Now, private companies like Microsoft are taking leading positions in fighting back. And they’re doing it with the help of Mrs. Chaya Neuberger, a shomer shabbos woman, originally from from Borough Park.

Anne (Chani) Neuberger grew up in Boro Park, and went to Bais Yaakov of Boro Park. She lives in Baltimore.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

29 Responses

  1. I’m probably not going to be the only one to say this (or the opposite of what I’m saying) but, I don’t see the Kiddush Hashem here.

  2. Why is this a Kiddush Hashem?
    אלה ברכב ואלה בסוסים ואנחנו בשם השם אלוקינו נזכיר

  3. Knowing Bais Yaakov as I do, I seriously doubt that her Bais Yaakov “education” had anything to do with this!
    In fact, she’s most likely is considered “undesirable” by your typical Bais Yaakov community!
    After all, Bais Yaakov students are tought to be breeders and not much more, or work to feed their unemployed husbands who are “studying”!

  4. NSA is often known as “No Such Agency”. While they are less secretive than in the past, are you sure you has permission to print this much information (and one might note, this is increasing become a “wartime” situation).

  5. Kol hakavod with these Boro Park ladies becoming Judges and Cybersecurity experts.
    I know there will be cynical comments, but watching these woman stay ehrliche nshei chayil is something to learn from.

  6. I am very proud of Chani. I think this article could chas vshalom be a security risk to her and her family. There are Russian sleeper cells in USA. We want her safe delete this article please.

  7. Interesting headline.
    Who is YWN to pasken which employee of a company/corporation/government that does their paid job well is considered a “Kiddush Hashem”? Screaming headline. Because a person is Frum? Because a Frum lady wears a shaitel to work? What about a Frum salesman for B&H? A real estate broker? A lawyer? A small business owner? A gardner? A cook in a Yeshiva? Etc etc etc… Not everything in life is a “Kiddush Hashem”.

  8. Kiddush Hashem?? What makes this a kiddush Hashem?? All those b’nos yisrael that are noheig b’tzniyus, stay at home with their children (or work in a kosher environment to help pay the bills), and are mechanech their children to go in the ways of our ancestors are the ultimate kiddush Hashem! I think Yeshiva World really needs to rethink their hashkofos and not sell leftist liberal hashkafa! Or just change the name from “Yeshiva World” to “fox news” or the like.

  9. Ho Hum. A frum woman is the White House’s deputy national security advisor for cyber- and emerging technologies. No story here..
    Wait! did you say “frum woman” Major Major story. Why this is a “KIDUSH HASHEM”.
    Didn’t you know? “KIDUSH HASHEM” means anything good, or any achievement by a frum person, regardless if said achievement has anything at all to do with being Jewish or frum. She is a Bais Yaakov girl? wow! now that’s a true “KIDUSH HASHEM”, regardless of the fact that she most probably did not gain her expertise in cyber from Bais Yaakov.

  10. why is it a KIDDUSH HASHEM if with hashems help a person is good at there job. a person is paid to work and there expected to put in a full days work.
    what am i missing here.

  11. B”H, so many people here expressed the obvious: doing your job well, even if the gentiles appreciate the same, has nothing to do with Kiddush Hashem.
    Kiddush Hashem is a branch of halacha, not feel-good emotionalism.

    There is another aspect to this that is actually a sakana. If CH”V there is some sort of breach, from which her dept. is tasked with protecting, what do you think every rasha anti-Jew will say?

  12. I wouldn’t want my daughter having her image posted all over the Internet. Nope. Not my daughter. That line of work is unacceptable for a bas Yisroel.


  14. It’s great to have a Frum woman in such a high profile position. However, what שייכותdoes this have with קידוש השם? Look in the רמב”ם פ”ה הל’ יסןדי התורה where he states clearly what is a קידוש השם!

  15. The Kiddush Hashem is that albeit working at such an important and prestigious job she maintains the look of a “Yiddishe Tuchter”. People in her line could certainly compromise and rationalize that she has to do it so she look nebb. That, I submit, is her personal Kiddush Hashem.

  16. I have one word to all these naysayers about calling this a KIDUSH HASHEM,
    You are nothing but jealous IMFARGINERS (ask you Yiddish speaking zayde what it means).

    I guess in your eyes a KIDDUSH HASHEM is only,when newspaper headlines scream out the fact, that the two Chasidic upstate villages in NY, 75% of the population is on some kind of welfare or government program.
    Or a KIDDUSH HASHEM is when frum Yeshiva boys in Jerusalem riot and burn and destroy government property and call the Police Nazis.

    Yes this is a massive KIDDUSH HASHEM, and we should all be proud of this beautiful Jewish family.
    By the way her father (whom I know very well,we Daven in same shul)
    is one of the biggest Jewish philanthropist of our generation.

  17. Kach- your hatred for Bais Yaakov is evident. It sounds like you had a bad experience. Some people actually love that life.

  18. How is it a so-called “Kiddush Hashem” for a woman like this to constantly parade in public and in front of cameras in a miniskirt?!

  19. Yes she has a really interesting job (as do many frum Yidden working for NSA). But there is a reason why NSA’s nickname is “No Such Agency”, and especially in time of war, YWN (and all social media) should not post pictures and identifiable details of persons who might be “of interest” to America’s enemies.

  20. Ah! B”H So many people upset like me that you called this a KIDUSH HASHEM now that Rabosai is a true KIDUSH HASHEM!!!

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