TWISTED: Trump Voters View Putin More Favorably Than Biden

The majority of Americans see Russian President Vladimir Putin as a ruthless dictatorial killer, but a new poll has found that Republicans are more likely to be unfavorable toward U.S. President Joe Biden than the Russian menace.

A survey conducted by Yahoo News/YouGov found that 74% of Americans said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine isn’t justified. Still, 95% of Americans who voted for Donald Trump in 2020 said they view Biden unfavorably, while a relatively meager 78% said the same of Putin.

On the same day that Yahoo News/YouGov released the results of their survey, several other polling firms released their own polls showing that President Biden’s approval rating is at or near the lowest point of his presidency.

A Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 37% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance with 55% disapproving – a new low for the president who has been inundated with crises ever since entering the Oval Office.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. if Biden was the Pres of Russia, we wouldnt care, its cuz hes the Pres of USA.
    They respect Putin for his strength and disrespect Biden for his weakness.
    simple as that!

  2. I wish YWN would stop editorializing within it’s news articles. It’s a great site and would be more professional if it separated news from opinion.

  3. Tucker Carlson, Trump and the far right have been fawning over Putin for years, taking his side and praising him, all the while trying to weaken NATO and our alliances with Europe and mocking and deriding their political opponents here at home as if our REAL ENEMIES are Schumer, Pelosi and Biden.

    Its not a stretch to say Putin felt like he has a strong following here in the USA and US & EU are divided and that we will be divided in our response to his invasion.

    the bottom line is, praising and taking the side of dictators has real costs, it emboldens them. This is dangerous and has to stop.

  4. Why is this so hard to understand, it’s really not rocket science.
    You see we American people have a so called President who is a demented Alzheimer diseased TREASONOUS America hating DemonRat, who has turned this once great country into a virtual hell hole.
    This traitor has abandoned our borders and we have been INVADED by over two million ILLEGAL CRIMMINALS , many of them drug dealers perverts and muderrers ,
    This traitor has turned the against his own police ,with proposing to defund them, crime is out of control all over the country.
    This rat has destroyed the dollar ,with the result of the highest inflation in the last 50 years.

    This traitor is perfectly ok and insist we teach 6 year olds that same gender marriage is ok, and if a 10 year old wants to change his or her gender the parents should not have a say in it..only the schools and the teachers .

    You see this affects every American personally and changed our lives, and is slowly but surely turning this country into a third world hell hole .

    Yes Putin is a vicious murderous dictator, but so is hundreds of other dictators all over the world,but they don’t affect us personally.But this treasonous America hating swine sitting in the White House has affected us personally and not for the better

  5. DemocRATs have destroyed more property in America in their over 350 riots with BLM and Antifa than the Putin attack on Ukraine.

  6. There is a segment of the Trump acolytes who value a “strong masculine” leader (preferably white and Christian among the more fringe groups) and they see Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro (Brazil), Orban (Hungary) etc. as emblematic of that type of leadership. One of the most important attributes of that role model is the willingness to engage in the most outrageous racist, homophobic and frequently misogynistic hyperbole with an “I don’t give a damm” attitude towards conventional norms of behavior and civility.

  7. Trump voters also support an egotistical maniac who actively seeks to undermine American democracy and openly tolerates and praises antisemites. This poll is hardly shocking at all.

  8. Last week the dear leader told his truth seeking followers that Putin is a “savvy” “genius” who is sending “peacekeepers” to “secure the border”

    Who is YWN to dare to question the judgement of the dear leader? The news media is full of lies. The only truth is Truth Social and the words of the dear leader himself.

  9. the “favorability to putin” is obvious, he is a leader who is passionate about doing what’s best for his country. is it twisted to my Jewish mind? sure. Do I think he will be punished for all the pain and suffering he is causing? sure. But he’s a goyishe king that is doing his job, trying to prop himself and his country up. Biden? he seems completely incompetent to achieve anything of substance, not for himself or his country.


  11. Well…..I think you could reasonably argue that Biden is a greater danger, and has caused more damage to the U.S., than Putin.

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