Hundreds Of Ukrainians Jews, Including Jews Of Uman, Spend Shabbos In Moldova

Clockwise from top left: Ukrainian refugees in Moldova; Hatzalah Ukraine; Ukrainian refugees in Moldova; Ukrainain refugees enter Moldova with Sefer Torah they evacuated.

Hundreds of Jewish families and individuals crossed the border from Ukraine into Moldova since the Russian invasion began early Thursday morning, including the majority of the Jewish residents of Uman.

The Moldovan Jewish community is taking care of the refugees, housing them in hotels, and providing them with hot food and other necessities.

Rabbanim, Chabad shalichim and Moldovan community members spent hours on Thursday and Friday assisting the refugees and preparing for Shabbos, buying groceries, and cooking the Shabbos seudos, all the while fearing that Moldova will be Putin’s next target.

As costs began to surpass hundreds of thousands of dollars, Adv. Inbar Nacht contacted Chief Rabbi of Moldova HaRav Pinchas Saltzman and informed him that the Inbar & Marius Nacht Family Foundation will provide immediate emergency assistance.

In Israel, United Hatzalah is preparing to send a delegation of 30 EMTs and members of the Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit to Moldova to assist the Ukrainian refugees, at the request of HaRav Saltzman and in coordination with Israel’s Foreign Ministry.

United Hatzalah President Eli Beer said: “The relief delegation will include paramedics and EMTs as well as members of the Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit who will be taking with them medical and humanitarian supplies in order to provide relief to those who are crossing the border from Ukraine. Our team will be working in tandem with the larger Israeli team that is being sent to assist in Moldova. United Hatzalah’s volunteers inside Ukraine will be continuing to assist their communities and those harmed by the conflict and will be continuing to provide first aid and medical coverage to those who need it.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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