HaRav Berel Lazar: “Add Tefillos On Shabbos That Blood Won’t Be Spilled”

HaRav Berel Lazar

In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with Jews on both sides of the conflict, Chief Rabbi of Russia HaRav Berel Lazar issued a special letter to the Jews of Russia calling for them to share in the pain of their brethren.

“Shalom is one of the names of Hakadosh Baruch Hu and we daven to Him every day that there will be peace between people and between nations, and that’s also His ratzon – that we’ll do whatever is in our power for a life of shalom between all,” HaRav Lazer wrote.

“We call to daven that blood will not be spilled, chalilah, and of course, to provide as much support as possible to whoever is facing particular difficulties, including those who were forced to leave their homes, who now need physical assistance and emotional support. We’ll all open our hearts with emunah and bitachon and b’ezras Hashem we’ll be zocheh to calmness and tranquility.”

Following HaRav Lazar’s appeal, hundreds of Jewish kehillos throughout Russia were mechazeik – by increasng shiurei Torah, minyanim for tefillos and Tehillim, and resolving to attend shul on Shabbos – out of a sense of solidarity and empathy with Acheinu Bnei Yisrael in all locations.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Don’t understand why they didn’t get out when they could. They certainly had enough warning time. Actually, I’m not really sure why Jews are in this Jewish blood soaked country to begin with…..

  2. EmEmC, why should he tell him that? Putin is entitled to wage war. The Torah says so. We can pray that nobody gets killed in that war, but Putin is not a murderer for waging it, and Rabbi Lazar has no mussar to give him. Let the Ukranians surrender quickly and there will be no more bloodshed.

  3. “…. out of a sense of solidarity and empathy with Acheinu Bnei Yisrael in all locations…”
    In ALL locations??? There is only ONE location right now where the lives of yidden are at risk and that is Ukraine. He somehow manages to avoid even mentioning Ukraine and seems to imply some type of moral equivalence in terms of the risks for yidden in Ukraine and any other part of the world.

  4. exactly, if the Ukrainians just grew up and had a real president not a comedian meshumad for a president then this whole thing wouldve been avoided, now they can write proper terms of surrender as they are relying on Joe Biden to save them, the same Joe who abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban

  5. Milhouse: If torah values and standards were the basis for judging Putin’s actions, both he and his apologists should be burning in hell.

  6. Sarah S, some people are in this “blood soaked country” to help other Jews that are there and might not even know much about their heritage.
    And no, not everyone was able to get out even with the advanced notice, maybe actually talk to people who are there, and not just speculate.

  7. @Sarah S, Rabbi Lazar is in Russia because there are Yidden there who he is mekarev and his life is dedicated to helping them. Don’t think your life is so rosy and comfy here in America. In a blink of an eye lid, we can face trouble as well.

  8. “Gadol”, really?! Tell me, according to the Torah what has Putin done wrong? The Torah says he is entitled to wage war and to conquer territory that he wants to rule.

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