ANYONE SURPRISED? Psaki Reportedly in Talks to Join CNN or MSNBC

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

With White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki set to leave the White House at the end of this year, numerous mainstream and liberal outlets are reportedly courting her to join their networks, the NY Post reports.

Top amongst them is CNN and MSNBC, with the latter wanting to replace star leftist host Rachel Maddow, who stepped away from her time slot, with another leftist – Jen Psaki. CNN is also looking for new talent after firing host Chris Cuomo for allegedly acting inappropriately to women in the office, as well as for advising his brother, former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, when he was embroiled in his own such scandal.

Hiring Psaki would make sense for both CNN and MSNBC, who are desperate for fresh anchors as their ratings continue to tumble.

The NY Post added that although there is tremendous interest among liberal networks to sign Psaki and negotiations are underway, the White House press secretary isn’t yet close to signing a deal.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


8 Responses

  1. She has all the qualifications of being a host on either of those 2 lowest rating networks. She’s arrogant. She’s condescending. She’s a hypocrite. She’s inarticulate. She’s unattractive. She’s as dumb as a brick. She has the personality of a doorknob. And she’s got the sense of humor as an ant. Did I leave anything out? Peppermint Patty would be a GREAT selection! Then maybe, Hillary Clinton can nominate her for Supreme Court when she becomes President in 2024.

  2. Where else can you make an obscenely large salary for being an English speaking version of Baghdad Bob?
    Good question. Answer is simple. Fox, OAN and NewsMax although the latter two don’t pay as well as Fox. Have you heard some of the nutcases that these networks put on as Trumopf apologists?

  3. Honestly! Why should anyone be surprised?? This ugly, brainless ventriloquist of the demRATS should go and report from an open battlefield. Her head has enough space for a mortar shell to fit in.

  4. This nutcase indeed has every qualification to be recruited by the lefty media. She never ever uttered a straight word out of her oversized mouth and undersized brain.

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