MUST SEE VIDEO: Biden Said Putin’s Tyranny is “Over” Once He Becomes President [FLASHBACK]


On Tuesday, President Joe Biden took punitive measures in response to Russia’s aggression in eastern Ukraine and warned that Russian President Vladimir Putin is seeking to made further incursions into its neighbor.

The shocking developments now capturing global attention is particularly jarring, considering that the current Commander-in-Chief, Joe Biden, claimed back in 2019 that Putin wouldn’t attempt anything like this.

“Putin knows that when I am president of the United States his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the United States and those in Eastern Europe are over!” he said in a campaign message.

The only thing that is now “over” are the delusions of those who believed President Biden could stop Putin’s aggression towards US allies.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. Wow. Joe is one tough guy. Unlike the last privileged white racist draft dodger to occupy the white house, Joe fought valiantly on the killing fields of Vietnam and Cambodia, alongside Richard Blumenthal. All those years of service for our country are paying off big time now. Joe is a natural born leader. He is a uniter. He is a unifier.

  2. Much ado about nothing!
    Hasn’t he said that Kamala is president! So, when he thus becomes president, Putin’s tyranny will in fact be over!

  3. A demented Alzheimer diseased treasonous America hating Marxist DemonRat.
    This traitor in chief, refuses to defend his own country as it’s being invaded by millions of illegal
    This traitor in chief, handed over Afghanistan and 80 billion dollars worth of arms to Americas bitter enemy the Taliban..
    This traitor in chief is ready to make a deal with the murderous Iranian Mullah’s whereby they will be able to become a nuclear power within 5 years.
    This traitor in chief,was the only one in Obama’s cabinet to vote against killing that monster Bin Ladin.

  4. Is this a YWN editorial, an opinion piece from another media outlet, a letter to the editor or what? There is no attribution following the headline.

  5. This is obviously fake Russian deep fake material sown to cause division.

    Trump paid a Russian actor to make this video so Biden would look bad.

  6. Putin was always going to go into Ukraine. He did not do it before election because he did not want to hurt Trump. Putin doesn’t like that the world does not respect him. Trump signed in sanctions only after congress passed it with a veto proof majority. What Trump said today was reprehensible and those of you who live with an IV Infused fox news indoctrination are beyond stupid. There would be no NATO if trump had his way and a weak EU. Biden has united European countries re. Sanctions no way Trump would have done that. Trump does not care about Ukraine, there are Jewish people at risk in Ukraine, that is what you should be thinking about, Hate Biden a different day.

  7. not sure you have this correct regarding whose more perilous….I believe Biden has been chasing Putin….only G-d Knows…..I would seat Putin to my home for dinner before I have the gentile president in my home….Biden is never welcome.

  8. “I would seat Putin to my home for dinner before I have the gentile president in my home”
    Sara Rifka: And of course you would be serving your favorite recipe of “bloody chazerfleish” as a main course. Hopefully, the rest of your family is seeking an intervention on your behalf.

  9. An Autocrat achzar invades another country, and is ready to kills tens of thousands and cause millions of innocent women and children into refugee and poverty status and the only response here is that it’s all about Biden.

  10. Trump was super weak to Putin as well as the Germans……. He was like a dog to a dangerous men. Putin is and never was his buddy. This would be also happen if he would be president… They use him and the most parts of the world knew it….

    Have ever been to Russia and have you ever heard how they really think about America?

    Huge mistake to eat popcorn with him and be nice.

    Moreover, Putin have economical problems in Russia also cased by last sanctions. He struggle with his own folks and getting older…. Russia is a story of their own.

    I consider the Germans the most powerful nation right now in Europe. Their problem is the last premier minister was from East Germany, born into Soviet mentality and the one before works now for Gazprom…..
    America was in the last years to nice to Putin and considered weak. The weakness has changed since 2022.
    Now, both countries have weaken up and its too late. Much too late. I really hope they are taking responsibility now… At least they should take 90% of the excepted 8 Million refugees.

    How could the most powerful country in Europe and the most powerful country have been so blind….

    Trumps Russian politics was really not a success, as we see now….. and point the finger at Biden is the wrong time now…..otherwise we will see Russian troops very fast in Poland and East Germany.

    They call Putin a Hitler 2.0 … And this not only in Ucrania and whole Europe

    They assume that he wants all countries Russia own before 1990…. and putting approx. 400000-800000 Jews in danger!!!!

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