WATCH: Children In Uman Daven At Reb Nachman’s Kever For Peace

Photo: Shlomi Elisha

As the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine heightens on Tuesday, the frum community in Uman gathered the children to utilize the age-old power of tefillos of tinnokos shel beis rabban.

Rav Yaakov Jan, the Rav of the frum kehilla in Uman and head of the local kashrus organization, instructed the Talmudei Torah and schools of the kehilla to end early and bring the children to Reb Nachman’s kever.

The adults led the children in tefillos for peace and for the welfare of the Ukrainian government.

Shlomi Elisha, deputy director of Hatzalah Ukraine told B’Chadrei Chareidim: “We’re anxiously monitoring the situation. We set up an operations room at Hatzalah, which centralizes all the referrals but we’re optimistic that everything will end with diplomacy. We’re all davening for shlomo shel malchus but we’re being cautious.”

“I personally am not going anywhere, you don’t leave when you’re a little scared. There’s a large kehilla here and they can’t just simply run away. We’re here to stay and we’re hoping for the best.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Yalla, take a weapon and go out defeat your Uman and country!!!! Stop the illusion of your diplomatic fairy tail. Who should stand against this Russian monster now?? America?, Germany, France, Israel?, Canada, Poland?

    The mistakes were made in the past. How is it possible that a German former premier minister works now for Gazprom?! ( Gazprom is the Russian Exxon Mobil)

    How is it possible that the last US administration get complete bribed by the Russians.
    Trump was like a dog to Putin… he probably could not differentiate betwin a Superbowl Halftime show and serious meeting with a dictator..
    How this possible that the most powerful countries making such mistakes??
    Now, we all have to pay the price of their stupidity.
    How could the most powerful country in Europe and the most powerful country have been so blind….

    I hope the US and Germany take at least 90% of the expected 8 Million refugees from Ucrania……

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