VAX FAIL COVERUP?: The CDC Has Been Hiding Massive Amounts of Crucial Data

(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)

For well over a year, the CDC has been gathering information on people hospitalized with COVID-19 and has broken that data down by age, race, and vaccination status. So what has it found? We don’t know, because the CDC has declined to publish the data, the New York Times reported.

When the CDC published data of the effectiveness of boosters, it conveniently didn’t include the data for 18-49 year olds – the group that so happens to be the one least likely to benefit from a booster shot, the New York Times reported.

Was there a medical or scientific reason for this? No. In fact, because it withheld the data, doctors had to rely on information coming out of Israel to determine whether their younger patients should receive a booster shot.

And overall, the CDC has published just a small portion of the data it has collected on COVID-19 and the vaccines.

A lot of the information the CDC is hiding could be of tremendous use to doctors and public health officials. For instance, the Times wrote that “detailed timely data on hospitalizations by age and race would help health officials identify and help the populations at highest risk.”

“Information on hospitalizations and death by age and vaccination status would have helped inform whether healthy adults needed booster shots. And wastewater surveillance across the nation would spot outbreaks and emerging variants early,” the Times report says

“Without the booster data for 18- to 49-year-olds, the outside experts whom federal health agencies look to for advice had to rely on numbers from Israel to make their recommendations on the shots,” it adds.

So why has the CDC been hiding the data? A spokeswoman for the agency said it’s “because, basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time,” she said.

The emerging scandal has already caught the attention of some conservative pundits, including Ben Shapiro, who reacted to the New York Times report on Twitter, saying, “Everyone leading the CDC should be fired. Everyone.”



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28 Responses

  1. The CDC’s ‘sleight-of-hand’ here is just the tip of the iceberg. This is a bought agency, ‘manned’ by past pharmaceutical management who undoubtedly have significant vested interests in the ‘vaccine horse’.

    It’s truly despicable, and we unfortunately are far from being ‘out of the woods’ –– New York state has still virtually sold our children into autism slavery by clandestinely voting away the ‘children’s schedule’ vaccine exemption back in ‘2019. Though their is a lawsuit to rescind this repeal of equitable medical freedoms, this has not yet taken place. Children’s vaccines are far from being proven, and research reveals they are not only far from efficacious, but also far from safe.

  2. “Everyone in the cdc should be fired”???? Everyone in the cdc, who and all current lowlife politicians should be brought to trial for their lol crimes!!! They should be held full force accountable for pushing their ill agenda on the public without the real data..
    It’s time to sweep out and drown our crazy leaders who want power!

  3. Hmmm. Could it be that the “anti vaxxers” had it right all along? We’ve been saying the FDA and CDC cannot be trusted as they work for pharma
    They hid and mocked the effectiveness of safe and cheap drugs that have been proven beyond a shadow of doubt to be quite effective and could have saved most lives
    They approved a vaccine (and mandates) of dubious safety and efficacy in spite of pathetic safety monitoring, exploding adverse reactions of over 20,000 deaths and a millions reports in VAERS, a 40% increase in all cause mortality in the 18-49 age group in America this year. Whistleblowers in the DOD say there’s greatly increased miscarriage, myocarditis, stroke, cancer, and much more in their extensive databases.
    They won’t release the data because it will show HIGHER rates of covid in vaccinated individuals. This vaccine has negative efficacy. Now explain how we can trust them for childhood vaccines?

  4. Hmmm. Could it be that the “anti vaxxers” had it right all along? We’ve been saying the FDA and CDC cannot be trusted as they work for pharma
    They hid and mocked the effectiveness of safe and cheap drugs that have been proven beyond a shadow of doubt to be quite effective and could have saved most lives
    They approved a vaccine (and mandates) of dubious safety and efficacy in spite of pathetic safety monitoring, exploding adverse reactions of over 20,000 deaths and a millions reports in VAERS, a 40% TV increase in all cause mortality in the 18-49 age group in America this year. Whistleblowers in the DOD say there’s greatly increased miscarriage, myocarditis, stroke, cancer, and much more in their extensive databases.
    They won’t release the data because it will show HIGHER rates of covid in vaccinated individuals. This vaccine has negative efficacy. Now explain how we can trust them for childhood vaccines?

  5. The CDC doesn’t want to release the data because they fear it might be “misinterpreted” which is a sister of the word “misinformation”
    Which basically is that this information is stuff we are denying because it doesn’t fit our agenda so therefore it isn’t true and we said so and give us a year so we can skew the data as much as possible to fit our narrative. If the data is so strongly against our truth that it can’t be done, we will conveniently hide it until people forget it exists, or until the fifth booster rollout, whichever comes first.
    And then we will say, oops the science was evolving we didn’t realize this stuff sorry if the vaccine killed you and it didn’t work anyway. And by the way neither does masks.

    Perfect timing for trumps truth social network

  6. The cdc is making us all into anti vaxxers. By shooting themselves in the foot it’s all their own fault people don’t trust them anymore

  7. This kind of stuff makes me so mad. You know why? Because those of us who have had our eyes open for some time already are not shocked, nor surprised, not anything really. This kind of garbage is very normal for the CDC aka big pharma crony. Center for deception and corruption is their old nickname. But many out there have been quoting CDC and fraudci for two years and dutifully following all recommendations. They trust in “the science” and have been injected with god only knows what multiple times. They firmly reject the idea that these shots could POSSIBLY be unsafe. Anyone who says otherwise is a quack and conspiracy theorist
    Wonder how they will feel to learn that the CDC is burying data that they don’t like

  8. Boker Tov. Of course they’ve been manipulating and hiding data. They’ve spread misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. The biggest causality of the WuFlu China virus is our trust in the CDC and our own doctors, who have pushed propaganda throughout the spread of this Chinese CCP bio-weapon. Many of us have known this for most of the plandemic; it appears YWN is just waking up to it now.

  9. I sure miss the the FDA/WHO old pre-2019 definition of “Vaccine” where it meant to get immunity from infection, sickness and prevent transmission.
    Being that these jabs do none of the above, we gotta be satisfied with “reduce hospitalization & death by 30%” (if true, like to still believe it is). Yeridas hadoros.
    You had me (duped) at the word: vaccine.

    It’s no wonder the antisemites have been calling this on many forums: The JewVax

  10. This bombshell only addresses vaccine failure – but it doesn’t begin to address the million-plus adverse events that have already been reported following the shot. Strokes, heart attacks, sudden deaths, miscarriages, Bell’s palsy, myocarditis, neurological problems, falls, head injuries, etc. And the immune deficiency (VAIDS) effects of repeated boosters predicted by Nobel Prize-winning virologist Luc Montagnier haven’t even begun to surface. I agree with Teal, firing isn’t enough.

  11. Feel free not to post!
    If I would be you I wouldn’t post such an article. Since it may cause hesitation for people to vaccinate and thereby possibly causing their deaths. I would advise you against posting anything that contribute to deaths.

  12. When we went to do the vaccine it was not because we thought it was safe, it’s new, we had the fear, but we did it for one reason only. Because that is what our rabbis said to do. So if your Rabbi said not to do it good, and if your rabbi said to yes do it, then good. Those Rabbis who are pro did their own homework and Hashem gave them the daas to rule that way. Hashem will protect all of us because we listened to our Rabbis, not because of FDA or WHO(ever you want!!) Everyone should stop being so narrow minded and jumping at every negative comment about the vaccines – “see we were right all along”.

  13. Please keep digging for the TRUTH – you won’t believe what you will find. It is too shocking to describe, I have no words but it is past corruption, it is pure evil. What is the spiritual ill behind this that we must rectify? Nobody knows but one thing we do know is that we must proclaim Gods Name in the world, repent and search for truth. Please do not fall for the next “pandemic” or new booster, nor allow world governments to continue to grab more power and enslave us (freezing bank accounts at will). STOP TRUSTING THE GOVERNMENT, STOP TRUSTING CORPORATIONS – they are just money driven – no morals, no ethics, no religion – what do you think will happen?

  14. I am not sure what the issue is. US is well behind Europe in boosters – twice over. So if there were issues they would show up in Europe much faster and louder

  15. All the doctors and Hatzolah members who followed cdc blindly since the beginning here with the lockdowns and restrictions and closing of shuls and convincing of rabbonim (and you all know who you are) don’t be surprised when no one listens to you anymore. Why should we???

  16. Reading this ridiculous comments by my fellow frum Jews I am saddened by the ignorance and stupidity
    I have no doubt that any of you have any medical or scientific background

  17. All the anti-vaxxers here, did you read the article?!? It say that the doctors had to rely on the data coming out of Israel. But the Israeli data, the Israeli top doctors very strongly support the vaccination. And so do the medical experts around the world. Stop with your twisted arguments already!

  18. Ok, the article – rightly, in my opinion, – criticizes CDC for not releasing data to the public. Nowhere it says that the data is hiding problems. What it says is that (a) without this data, some relied on foreign data, including from Israel to make decisions, (b) CDCs concern that anti-vaxxers will misuse the data (as you are doing here with this article). Where it says that experts relied on other data, there is no mention that the other data showed any problems. At most, a possible discussion is whether boosters are needed for younger people (and are already taken less in US than in Europe), there is absolutely no data saying that vaccine in general has problems. I am not sure how posters here can write so callously about a life and death issues.

  19. Like I said, the biggest lie ever was calling this a vaccine.
    You can’t jab your way out of this with obsolete spikes. In fact even for the majority who did not suffer post-jab adverse events, they have done even more damage with sickness – especially long covid – by giving people a false sense of security not to treat early.

    I’m deeply concerned that it has done real irreparable reputational damage to legacy childhood vaccination (like MMRs, an otherwise worthy medical endeavour) and no one will trust public health ever again. I personally know someone injured from Moderna who no longer talks to his former Rov who blindly advised these jabs for his whole family.
    What a Churban!!
    There are now many Rabbonim & Batei Dinim who have publicly spoken against these jabs especially for healthy children.

  20. Israel as well does not want to release their data for fear of the anger from the population
    If they admit that the vaccines don’t work and caused damage there would be a rebellion from the people they forced to take it
    Israel right now is not looking good
    They have had massive outbreaks that surpassed every other less vaccinated country and also pretty high death rates

  21. The U.S. Government has been secretly studying this data without telling the public. Fortunately, there are others who published studies on injuries following the shots. These studies are published in peer-reviewed medical journals and referenced on the U.S. Government’s National Library of Medicine:

    – Initial clinical manifestation of multiple sclerosis after immunization with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine – Journal of Neuroimmunology

    – Multiple cranial nerve palsies following COVID-19 vaccination-Case report – Acta Neurologica Scandinavica

    – A rare presentation of undiagnosed multiple sclerosis after the COVID-19 vaccine – Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medical Perspectives

    – Case Report: Multiple Sclerosis Relapses After Vaccination Against SARS-CoV2: A Series of Clinical Cases – Frontiers in Neurology

    – Immune-Mediated Disease Flares or New-Onset Disease in 27 Subjects Following mRNA/DNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination – Journal Vaccines

    – Acute bilateral optic/chiasm neuritis with longitudinal extensive transverse myelitis in longstanding stable multiple sclerosis following vector-based vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 – Journal of Neurology

    This is only a small sample list. It is not exhaustive by any means.

    Additionally, we now know that Ivermectin works. Thousands of case reports and at least 20 peer-reviewed studies published in medical journals prove this to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt. Ivermectin is a W.H.O. “essential medicine” that has been used safely on billions of people since the 80s – note, though, that it is a generic drug that makes no windfall profit for the pharmaceutical industry. It’s no wonder then that the pharmaceutical-funded media told us Ivermectin is “horse paste” that will kill us, meanwhile pushing experimental injections with no long-term safety data. There are nearly zero risks from Ivermectin based on decades of global data. Again, it is an award-winning drug used safely (and affordably) on billions of people.

    This information has been censored by the CDC, mainstream media, Jewish media, and Hatzolah. Unfortunately, these trusted institutions have now lost a good deal of credibility.

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