WATCH: Cruz: Biden’s “Fecklesness” Emboldened Putin to Threaten Ukraine

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Senator Ted Cruz tore into President Joe Biden’s “fecklessness,” blaming it for Europe now being on the “edge of war.”

“Tragically, Europe is on the verge of war because of the weakness, the fecklessness of Joe Biden,” Cruz told Fox News.

What specifically set the stage for the current crisis between Russia and Ukraine? Cruz says it was Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“At the time [of the withdrawal from Afghanistan], I said as a result of this incredible weakness, all of our enemies across the globe are looking to Washington. They are taking the measure of the man in the Oval Office. And as a result, as I said back in August, the chances of Russia invading Ukraine have just risen tenfold. The chances of China invading Taiwan have just risen tenfold. We’re seeing the first of those two shoes dropping today because of Biden’s weakness,” Cruz said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. what dreck….imagine we have to deal with this brainless nit wit…..but then Hashem runs the world and he is showing us the joke of all jokes…..even what we have in Israel is inclusive in this joke…

  2. No, it’s his dementia and Alzheimer disease and his TREASONOUS America hating Marxist policies.
    And by the way, not only Russia is on the move to gobble up Ukraine, so too is China on the move to turn
    Taiwan into another Chinese Province.
    The US under this DemonRat administration, has become the whole world’s laughing stock laughing, we have lost the fear and respect from everyone.
    Hashem have mercy on this once great nation of ours

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