SNOWFLAKE: School Board Member Loses It When Confronted by Her Own Hypocrisy [VIDEO]

A school board member in Montgomery County, Virginia stormed out of a meeting after a parent put her hypocrisy on public display.

The parent excoriated the board members for forcing children to continue masking while in school.

“We sat here last year and listened to you guys preach about Gov. Northam’s executive orders and how we must follow them,” she said, adding, “Here’s a governor who comes into office, but yet you don’t want to follow his orders.”

Current Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has signed an executive order abolishing school mask mandates across the state.

“Here’s a picture of you, right here, on Facebook with a crowd of people with no mask on,” the parent said, showing the picture on her phone for all to see.

The board member in question began attacking the parent for daring to highlight her own hypocrisy and asked a police officer to remove the parent before another board member said the parent should be allowed to stay.

The offended hypocritical board member then stormed out, unwilling to be confronted on her double-faced positions.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. The offended hypocritical board member then stormed out to sleepy joe’s Delaware basement, to prepare the basement for sleepy joe’s most imminent return there, with President Donald Trump to soon be our 47th President.

  2. Unfortunately, this is way too typical. School boards around the country have been supporting the baseless ‘covid narrative’ unthinkingly as well as other undemocratic agendas and the profiteering and overtly liberal and Marxist-based Counter-Culture rhetoric. People like this parent are unsung heroes.

  3. Board member is a classic privileged white elitist Karen. As soon as she’s exposed for the liberal fraud that she is, she calls for the police. Two sets of rules. Do as I say not as I do. I feel bad for this Parent. She is not officially branded as an evil white DOMESTIC TERRORIST and Merrick Garland is going after her and her family.

  4. lastword: Maskim

    Chaylev Halyah: You happen to be right this time, but you are way too addicted to following YWN. Get a life.

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