Amid Rising Concerns, 3 Subway Stabbings In One Day In NYC

Three people were stabbed Saturday in the New York subway system in what police said were separate attacks that come as concerns rise about transit crime.

A 20-year-old woman was punched and then stabbed three times in the abdomen at the Van Siclen Avenue station in Brooklyn and was taken to a hospital, where she was stable.

A man was stabbed in the leg Saturday night at the 168th Street station in Washington Heights during a robbery attempt, and shortly afterward a 31-year-old man was stabbed in the arm at the 116th Street station near Columbia University after asking a man and woman to move because they were smoking, police said.

No arrests have been made in the cases.

In recent weeks, a woman was pushed to her death in front of a train in Times Square and a man break dancing on a train was stabbed by another rider.

In response to concerns about assaults and aggressive behavior by homeless people in the subways since the start of the pandemic, Adams recently said he would start barring people from sleeping on trains or riding the same lines all night.


One Response

  1. But our UNELECTED Governor, democrat Kathy Hochul, is keeping all train riders safe…. by making little 3 year old minority public school children wear their disposable masks properly throughout the entire day including while they snack by recess. This privileged white woke Karen is doing everything she can to keep her constituents safe. Our first black female Attorney General, democrat Letitia James, is keeping all train riders safe……by poring over former President Trump’s personal tax returns dating back to 1978. Perhaps the IRS missed something. Our black female Senate President, democrat Andrea Stewart-Cousins, and our black Assembly speaker, Carl Heastie have the blood of innocent minority New Yorkers on their hands as well. When will the 5th column media acknowledge and expose the corruption and murder in DEMOCRAT run New York political leadership?!

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