Israel Forms Emergency Plan For Mass Aliyah From Ukraine

Kollel students in the city of Chernihiv, Ukraine.

Israel’s government, the IDF, the Jewish Agency and other official bodies are preparing for a mass aliyah of Ukrainian Jews in the case of a Russian invasion, Yisrael Hayom reported on Sunday.

According to the report, meetings were held last week and a detailed plan was formulated for a possible large-scale operation to absorb thousands of people.

“If 5,000 people arrive in Israel in one week, we need to be prepared,” a source involved in the preparations told Yisrael Hayom. “These are much larger number than the Absorption Ministry and other bodies are used to.”

The first Ukrainian olim in the expected wave – about 75 immigrants – landed in Israel on Sunday morning, with another 22 expected to arrive in Israel in the evening.

The Absorption Ministry issued calls last week to hotels to receive guests, without specifying the purpose. In addition, the plan includes preparations at Ben-Gurion Airport for the absorption of immigrants, including the delivery of teduot zehut, and placements in absorption centers, hotel, and hostels.

Absorption Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata (Blue and White) is leading the efforts and chairing the meetings, which are also attended by Diaspora Minister Nachman Shai, and representatives of the Housing Ministry, the Israel Hotel Association, the Home Front Command, the Population Authority, the Airports Authority, and other bodies.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. i was just wondering if this is a conspiracy that israel wont sell the iron dome to ukraine so that jews will make aliyah. what do you think?

  2. Ukraine is already empty___to be full you must have a bottom to hold in the goodness, there is not bottom to the vessel called Ukraine…..may our people come home and only that which is ours

  3. israel really is racist.
    only “jews” (whatever that means in their religion) can come?
    Why can’t ALL innocent refuges come?

  4. Yes, many will probably go to EY, nevertheless most will try to move to Europe: hotspots are Germany (especially Berlin), Vienna, Czechia, Poland (especially Warsaw)… Many Ucrainian Jews live there already.

    I not so sure how much will make their way to the US……

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