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ABOUT FACE: Fauci Says Additional Booster Shots Now Being Evaluated [VIDEO]

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool, File)

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday that future requirements for COVID-19 shots and boosters are being monitored.

“The potential future requirement for an additional boost or a fourth shot for mRNA or a third shot for J&J is being very carefully monitored in real time,” Fauci said during a press briefing. “Recommendations, if needed, will be updated according to the data as it evolves.”

“This should not be confused with the fact that for many immunocompromised people, already a second booster shot, namely a fourth dose of an mRNA, is recommended because of what we know about their poor response to the initial regimen,” he added.

Just days ago, Fauci said that annual booster shots may not be necessary for every American.

“It will depend on who you are,” Fauci said. “But if you are a normal, healthy 30-year-old person with no underlying conditions, you might need a booster only every four or five years.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. ִi do find the title and implication in poor taste;
    if someone is willing to change his opinion , based on more recent data, and expose himself to ridicule, isn’t that remarkable?
    lehavdil, when (psachim 22b)
    Shimon HaAmmassoni, and some say that it was Neḥemya HaAmmassoni, would interpret all occurrences of the word et in the Torah, deriving additional halakhot with regard to the particular subject matter. Once he reached the verse: “You shall be in awe of [et] the Lord your God; you shall serve Him; and to Him you shall cleave, and by His name you shall swear” (Deuteronomy 10:20), he withdrew from this method of exposition,

  2. This guy is the biggest snake oil salesman and mafia man in the world
    He has pocketed hundreds of millions over this pandemic that he probably caused and is trying hard to stay relevant
    Of course boosters won’t end- they mean unlimited money for drug companies and since they don’t work in the first place you’re always gonna need another one

  3. Fauci, like his fellow demonrats, is afraid of how the polls show the people are getting sick of the democrats mismanagement and oppressive rules. They are thinking of walking some of it back in order to hold onto power.

  4. Dr Fauci was a well known and respected professional long before COVID. There is no about face here. All data is constantly being analyzed. Recommendations are updated. These comments show a lack of understanding of the scientific method.

  5. The only science involved here, is that people are mad, and the democrats don’t want to lose the midterm elections, whoever does not believe me could believe their CDC director the last time she answered as to why guidance was changed!!!!!!!!!!!!

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