Mainstream Media Hit with Brutal Reality Check After Clinton Spying Bombshell

Maybe they’re just trying to find the right words. Thus far, just about every mainstream media outlet has ignored the bombshell report from Special Counsel John Durham that states that Hillary Clinton’s campaign spied on Donald Trump, both as a candidate and as president.

A court filing from Durham said that the Clinton campaign hired tech executives to “infiltrate” Trump Tower and White House servers in an attempt to create a narrative linking Trump to Russia.

Trump had previously attempted to talk publicly about his claims that his campaign was spied on, but he was shut down by the media. Famously, during an October 2020 interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes, host Leslie Stahl said Trump was spreading unverified information.

In October 2021, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow claimed that the Durham investigation was simply to give Trump cover and keep the conversation away from his scandals.

In 2019, CNN anchors Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo blasted Durham for continuing his investigation.

“Nothing happens and they just move on to the next conspiracy theory,” Lemon said to Cuomo. “It is never going to end, and guess what? People who want to believe that BS are going to believe it.”

But now, with the Durham bombshell dropped, all the above have nary anything to say about it and publications like the Washington Post and New York Times have had zero coverage of it thus far.



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16 Responses

  1. Sorry to break it to you but for them to care they would need to have a billionth of an ounce of integrity, which demonrats obviously don’t have. Nobody cares. A scandal is a scandal only if it affects a conservative. If it affects an anti-Hashem, pro-death, pro-lgbtqweryuiopasdfhjkzxcvnm lowlife of a demonrat (and whoever votes for them, make no mistake, enters the same exact category, rt, crazykanoi, etc,) then is a non-issue.

  2. The most impressive part of the article is YWN using the word nary in a sentence. They didn’t use it correctly (nary a thing etc. not nary anything) but I’m still impressed

  3. I know it is very hard for you trumpers to face the truth but this durhum filing is a nothing burger. He is quoting kash patel it is not intelligence. The motion said that a tech company executive gathered lookups, which are not substantive communications such as emails and texts. It is nothing, he probably filed it to distract from the stealing of top secret intelligence by trump, the toilet flushing and today the mazars fired trump and told people who were dependent on his financial statements not to believe them. He needs to refinance all his loans. He is a grifter and it is so disappointing to watch frum jews drink this poison kool aid. There was russian collusion with the exception of the allegation of the urinating on beds, the prostitutes are probably all dead, everything was proven true. You need to turn off fox. The other networks are not covering it because it is embarrassing to durhum. Unbelievable read the document. Where are the indictments. And sussman is going to walk.

  4. And I predict they’ll continue to ignore it, or at most give it lip service. But if they’ll ever report on it, you can bet a major part of the article will be about January 6, insurrection, the election lies, white supremacy anything to distract from the truth.

  5. They do not report it because none of it is true.
    The report does not say that the Clinton campaign spied on spied on Donald Trump, both as a candidate and as president.
    The court filing also definitely does not say that the Clinton campaign hired tech executives to “infiltrate” Trump Tower and White House servers in an attempt to create a narrative linking Trump to Russia.

  6. Can you link to the document and specify where it says infiltrated?

    Good luck doing so as this story is simply made up. There is a reason that many media networks are not publicizing this story because there is no story. It is made up nonsense. Even on Fox News they are having trouble getting this fake news story straight.

    Talk about Fake News. This story is Fake News.

    But of course hypocrisy is fine for Trump and his supporters.

  7. The story is actually old and is fake news. These “lookups” occurred before Trump was even in the White House. Nobody spied on Trump. It seems with all the negative news that has come come out in the past week about Trump such as the classified documents taken to Florida, the flushing papers done the toilet (both ignored by Fox, Newsmax and OANN) a story was needed to distract from true news.
    The “personalities” on Fox who are not journalists have focused on this non story for days. Do Fox viewers even know that Trump’s accounting firm has said that the Trump financial statements from the past 10 years can not be relied upon?

  8. I see the Democrat liars are out in force. James Doe, Jack K, and all the rest of the kat sheker. AO even has the chutzpah to claim that the Russian collusion hoax was “proven true”! It is the biggest political scandal in US history, and he still claims it’s true, like the Yevsektzia who kept proclaiming Khaver Stalin’s praises even while on their knees in front of the executioner.

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