SHOCK VIDEO: Hispanic Lakewood Resident Refuses Treatment Because EMTs Were Jewish

Shocking video from Lakewood, NJ shows a non-Jewish resident refusing to accept medical treatment because the responding EMTs were Jewish, who were volunteers ffrom Lakewood EMS, dispatched by 911.

Paramedics were called in to help with the women, but sadly for her, they too were Jewish!

Eventually, the anti-Semite was treated and transported to the hospital by the Jewish first responders, but not before she threw a fit.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

28 Responses

  1. Why make a big deal about it…?????.If she refuses the help that arrived, so be it, let the consequences ensue.
    This incident does NOT deserve/earn attention.

  2. It appears to me from this video that the sick/injured woman was sick/injured while working at the residence of a frum person and that she was looking to develop a claim against the frum homeowner. she was scared that a frum first-responder will look to protect the frum homeowner from a potential claim that the sick/injured woman was contemplating and will not record the bubamayses she wanted to tell. This looks like fraud to me, not anti-semitism.

  3. I suspect this individual may have simply been uninformed and somehow believed these were not “real” paramedics/first responders who she mistakenly believed should be wearing dark blue uniforms and look like the medics she sees on the TV shows. This kind of mindless stereotype sadly exists even in areas such as Lakewood where you would assume everyone is familiar with Hatzalah.

  4. Oh come on stop with the antisemite accusation all the time, she wanted to make a phony claim that she was injured by working for her Jewish employer when she did not even show up that day and she figured she needs EMS instead of a Jewish representative to do that

  5. This is good imagine if they trusted and new the maalos of hatzolah they would be dialing hatzolah directly instead of 911 and all hatzolah resources would be overburdened

  6. As an EMT I’m confused, isn’t their refusal of treatment protected by HIPAA? Don’t mistake me these “Hispanics” seem prejudiced, etc. But where did the video come from, who released it?

  7. For all those screaming HIPAA, the video doesn’t shoe anything, and why is this necessary to be show.
    Let me explain the way I analyzed the video.

    So please watch again before commenting.

    The homeowner shot the video. So no HIPAA involved.
    The homeowners are saying that she didn’t work there that day. So why is the Hispanic lady there? (No conclusions, needs to be researched)
    The man with her is definitely saying “no Jews” in English and in Spanish.
    So yes there definitely is a problem and the video shows a lot but not the full picture.

  8. robertw and physchedlife: HIPAA only applied to certain categories of people. while the emts are covered it is pretty clear from the video that the emts did nto record this or post it.

  9. Just leave the piece of garbage at the side of the road to be picked up by sanitation.
    My son in law is a shliach in a former Communist country. In the 16 years of being there, he only encountered one antisemitic incident: an old hag fell in the street and he ran to help her up. As he was trying to help she spat at him “Hitler (ym”s) should have finished you all off.” He let go of her and walked away. Hopefully, she was run over by a truck.

  10. The solution to this problem has nothing to do with EMS.

    The solution has everything to do with restoration of Constitutional law and order, and deportation of all the foreign invaders that the criminal Biden regime has welcomed into America.

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