ANOTHER HOAX: No Records Found of Calls to or From Trump During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

(AP Photo/John Minchillo, File)

The House committee has seen no evidence of calls to or from Trump during the January 6th, 2020 riot at the US Capitol, despite mounds of media reports that he supposedly was talking to lawmakers and other figures during the incident.

The House select committee has received hundreds of records from the White House relating to the Jan. 6 riot after the Supreme Court refused to block the committee’s access to them. Yet not a single record they now have shows any information about Trump being in contact with people outside the White House at the time.

Some are now scrambling for an explanation, with anonymous officials saying maybe Trump used cellphones to contact people outside the White House, or that maybe the National Archives has more records that haven’t yet been given to the committee.

Amid this revelation, CNN asked an official to explain a report that House Minority Leader McCarthy had a heated phone call with Trump as the riot was unfolding, and if that did occur, why there are no phone records of it.

The source’s response was vague.

“There are a lot of things like that, that I’ll say we’re having to learn from them about them from a lot of different sources to piece all of the data together,” the source said.

“Whether it is the absence of data or phone logs or willing testimony, inevitably, we have different sources to get that information because these are conversations that require more than one participant,” committee member Rep. Stephanie Murphy said. “So even if there is one node that isn’t forthcoming, there are inevitably other points of information that we can use to build a more fulsome picture of what happened on January 6.”

Good luck to them. But until then, perhaps an apology to Trump and his supporters is in order.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. “Good luck to them. But until then, perhaps an apology to Trump and his supporters is in order.”

    😂 😂 😂 that will for sure happen!

  2. The article neglects to mention that Trump was known to use his personal cell phone to make and receive calls. Also it’s hard to believe that 3 or 4 hours went by on any day without calls to or from Trump’s office.

  3. ” Perhaps an apology to Trump and his supporters is in order.”

    Huh?! For real?! Because they’ve been so contrite about almost overturning the Constitution, trying to murder a VP and actually causing the loss of 5 lives?!

  4. “Perhaps an apology to Trump and his supporters is in order.”
    First let THEM apologize for attempting to OVERTHROW A SITTING CONGRESS and threatening the lives of members of government. Trump is just as culpable because he could have stopped them.

  5. This articles understanding of the way things works is unbelievable.

    A criminal does not get an apology for hiding and destroying official Presidential records.
    The exact opposite; the criminal goes to jail for destroying evidence and for committing an insurrection and perjury.

    The J6 committee has multiple eyewitness testimony and phone records from people who spoke to trump during that time period. They have testified to what he said and who he spoke to.
    If Trump doesn’t have records , it’s because he is hiding them or destroyed them.

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