Trump: I Didn’t Flush White House Records Down the Toilet

Former President Donald Trump is denying a report that he flushed White House documents down the toilet when he was president.

“Another fake story, that I flushed papers and documents down a White House toilet, is categorically untrue and simply made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book,” Trump said in a statement.

Trump’s statement was in response to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman’s forthcoming book, “Confidence Man,” which writes about the alleged incidents.

“Here’s some reporting from the book’s later years — White House residence staff periodically found papers had clogged a toilet, leaving staff believing Trump had flushed material he’d ripped into pieces,” Haberman tweeted.

Separately, the National Archives said it had seized 15 boxes of documents that Trump had improperly brought with him to Mar-a-Lago when his presidency ended.

The National Archives has now reportedly asked the Justice Department to open an investigation into the matter after it found documents from those 15 boxes that may be classified.

Trump has denied that he stole or improperly took anything from the White House.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. Amerika and Yiddin in Amerika have many real problems. This is not one. Know that you’ll never know the truth about this toilet, whether it actually was clogged or whether this is just toilet propaganda. More importantly, know that you have been distracted from the real problems. I’m trying to see things as positively as I can. At least now the public knows not to flush book paper down the toilet except perhaps if they actually intend to clog a toilet. That part is real. Book pages really do clog real toilets.

  2. Or Sandy Berger stealing documents and stuffing them in his pants and socks, at the direct command of Bill Clinton.

  3. For the first, and perhaps only time, I believe him. He has been flushing everything he touches down the toilet for decades, his ex-wives, his business associates, his reputation and his “friends” (ask Bibi). He will be the only President in American history to be remembered as having made Roto Rooter synonymous with Public Service.

  4. Sure ! Trump had no easier and better way of disposing of documents than repeatedly flushing them down the toilet and having them found by the plumber. Trumps opponents are far crazier than his supporters

  5. > “that may be classified”

    As President, Trump could instantly de-classify any document simply on his own say-so. For that matter, he can also give legal permission for anyone he wants to have access to classified documents, even without declassifying them.

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