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Fauci: “Full-Blown” Pandemic Almost Over in US

As public opinion over Covid-19 restrictions move decidedly in the direction of Republicans long-held views, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser for President Biden, said that the US is almost over the “full blown” pandemic phase of the virus.

Speaking with the Financial Times, Fauci said he hopes all virus-related restrictions could be lifted within a few months and that Covid prevention measures will be handled on a local level, rather than at the federal level.

Fauci told the Financial Times that there is no way to completely eradicate the virus from society, but he hopes “we are looking at a time when we have enough people vaccinated and enough people with protection from previous infection that the Covid restrictions will soon be a thing of the past.”

The number of people hospitalized with Covid-19 has dropped 28% over the past three weeks to about 105,000, according to the CDC.

“What we want to see is that the omicron surge continues to decrease, that we don’t see another variant of concern emerge, that we start to come out of the other side of this,” Johns Hopkins epidemiologist Dr. Chris Beyrer told the Associated Press.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Nothing has changed really. Except the political polling showing that Americans are tired of covid. So since the midterm elections are upon us, awakening democrats have realized they better get moving or they’re gonna get losing. Only two weeks ago our unelected governor Hochul was fighting in court tooth and nail to keep mask mandates. Now she’s lifting them, a mere few weeks later. The science certainly hasn’t changed. The data is the same. But now she’s been ordered to save the democratic midterm election so she’s dropping them.

  2. Notice how that pipsqeak pushes it off for ‘a few months ‘. He can’t see himself giving up the power has had for a long time. Watch in a few months he’ll say ‘ just a few more months. This should have never been allowed that 1 person can issue mandates with no time limit.

  3. This is clearly political and not science based . The guy realized that Corona can’t be stretched any further so he decided to stop. Now they are going to take credit for closing down Corona

  4. Kishmech: regardless of your views of Fauci, how could you write something so vile?
    Moderators: how could you allow someone to post this? Aside from the awful chillul Hashem of this appearing on a frum news website, do you realize it could be illegal?

  5. Ivdu es …

    Too bad for Fauci.
    He’s Dead Meat.
    Lying, scheming, murderous, power hungry, money hungry, sleazy,
    Dead Meat.

    And regardless of your views of Herr Fauci he WILL go down in history as worse than VILE.

  6. Reb IvduEsHashemBsimcha,
    Do you not realize how many people Dr. Falsi has killed with the virus he created in his Wuhan funded lab? This guy needs to be put out to pasture quicker than President Brandon.

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