Bank Robbery in Flatbush

pd car.gif3:15PM EST: Flatbush Shomrim tell YWN that there has just been (another) bank robbery on Avenue J – this time at the Sovereign Bank located at 1302 Avenue J. The NYPD has called for a Level 1 mobilization response, and Flatbush Shomrim are assisting in a search for the suspect. It is unknown if any weapon was displayed, and how much money was stolen.

The suspect is a white male, wearing a green tee-shirt, and was last seen running East-Bound on Avenue J.

(YW-901 / YW-32)

14 Responses

  1. They would of got him if it wasn’t for the idiot drivers on Ave J…

    I heard them screaming for the cars to move and nothing, people don’t budge and then dare complain about response time…

  2. I could never understand why someone would rob a Bank. The average take in a bank robbery is under $5k (its usually around $2K)plus you get stuck with a dye pack making it all unuseable. Better off hitting a gas station. I guess criminals are not the smartest.

  3. #3, why there are more bank robberies lately? There are more home robberies lately as well. There have been a rash of robberies on 53rd and 11th Ave- home break-ins where cash and jewelry were taken. When the economy is “in der erd”, robberies become more common.

  4. Shmulele, Shmulele, Shmulele, must I spell out every tongue-in-cheek comment or is your sense of humor capable of comprehension? Did you take comment #1 literally too?

    I guess I’d better be careful with you: DO NOT SHOOT. DO NOT KILL.

    Is that you I see on Avenue J with the holster on your belt?

  5. samygol: Its very unusual for a Jew to engage in such crimes. Even during Beis Din a capital case was very rare; once in seven or seventy years. In general Jews are very underrepresented in crimes. (In other words, it does happen but one can be forgiven for thinking it doesn’t.)

  6. ujm/#14, Actually a capital conviction would typically occur even LESS frequently than once in 70 years. IF in the unlikely event it occurred more than once in 70 years (or 7 according to another shitta), that Beis Din would be known as killers.

    P.S. Shmelka/#11, I can stomach the Zionists. Otherwise how else would I be able to fight them so well? (Besides, are you talking about the Jewish Zionists, Xtian Zionists, or the non-Jewish Zionists purportedly “converted” by the Zionist courts?)

  7. Sammy/#17, When in history have they ever not been underrepresented? And as far as Eretz Yisroel, that is a Jewish majority. So I’m not sure what effect the statistics are. Who do you compare them to? The Arabs? Even without me knowing the stats, I can’t believe that the Yidden are more crime-prone than the Arabs. (Additionally, if you isolate just the Jewish crimes, the Bnei Torah are underrepresented in that sub-group.)

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