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CASH COW: Pfizer Raked in $36.8 BILLION From Covid Vaccine in 2021

Pfizer had $36.8 billion of sales for its Covid-19 vaccine in 2021, making it the best-selling pharmaceutical product in a single year by a very wide margin.

The closest pharmaceutical product to bring in so much money in a single year is Humira, with $20.7 billion in sales in a single year. That’s a $16.1 billion difference between the top selling pharmaceutical product and the product that came in second.

Pfizer isn’t done with lining its pockets from the vaccine yet, either. The company said it expects to generate $32 billion of sales for the vaccine in 2022, and executives believe its antiviral Covid pill, called Paxlovid, will bring in another $22 billion.

Covid is bad overall, but it’s quite good if you’re a Pfizer executive.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. And using all the traditional metrics of the cost of lives saved, the avoided costs of not having had to treat hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of individuals in the hospitals, and the incremental economic production from allowing workers to return to their jobs earlier than they might otherwise have (the 3 big factors in governments’ benefit cost studies) the Pfizer/Moderna vaccines saved society considerably more than these profits. That is the outcome of all the studies although the input assumptions vary in terms of assumed efficacy, assumed reduction in mortality morbidity etc.

  2. I find the headline ‘CASH COW’ to be in really poor taste;
    How many lives were saved thanks to the vaccine ?
    so they made a good amount of money? what is wrong with that?
    I once heard in the name of R’ Yaakov Kaminetsky, that ‘bore refuos’ means that He gives intelligence to men
    to discover/create new medications.
    Would you rather have Pfizer not make the money, and also not have the vaccine?

  3. Pfizer announced that they produced roughly 3 billion vaccine doses in 2021, which they sold for about $12.5 billion. In other words, they sold doses for roughly $4 a pop. Seems reasonable. They made roughly $22 billion last year in total, across all of their product lines. There are many companies that are much more profitable. In any case, if someone thinks that Pfizer is really raking it in, then feel free to buy part of it! They’re a publicly traded company, so everyone here can invest as little as $52 dollars to buy a piece of them. Good luck!


    I have nothing against selling anything to ppl who truly want to buy it;

    but most of these ppl were forced! STEALING!

  5. On a slightly more serious tone – these huge companies took huge risks when they started working on the vaccine. They invested hundreds of millions, if not billions, of their own dollars (even after the Trump administrations’ billions of dollars in purchase commitments) in this project. If it failed, all that money would have been written off as a mega loss. The market often rewards big risk takers in this manner – take a chance, maybe you’ll lose all of your money, or maybe you’ll make twice as much. Their profits here on the vaccine aren’t 100x their investment, it’s considerably more modest.

  6. The tone of this article is highly anti-capitalistic. Pfizer got huge revenues and profits because it perfected, manufactured and distributed a vaccine that can stop a world-wide pandemic. I don’t know how much profit is the “right” amount, but when Pfizer has several competitors who can produce a medication of equal importance, free market capitalism would tell us what the “right” amount of profit is.

  7. How much did the little dictator, Anthony Fauci, rake in on this? How much did the privileged white male inside trader, Paul Pelosi make on this?


  9. Hello. I am considering purchasing some of the Pfizer stock. I honestly am hopeful about the upcoming jabs and the Paxlovid not only for their profitability but also for their benefit to humanity. Perhaps they will flatten the curve. I don’t actually know what that means, but I believe those jabs are indeed a way to… um, actually, you know what? Since the market just closed, I think I’m going to go back to learning gemara, but while I’m logged onto this news site, I figure I will ask a question: does anyone know what Rebbi Levi means to refer to in his meimra about those three additional oaths on Kesubos 111a? I have some ideas. I think he means to refer to… um, actually, you know what? I think I’m supposed to keep my ideas on that sugiya to myself and not publicize them on the Internet. Anyway, zei gezunt!

  10. How many people here have zechus of saving millions of lives like Pfizer/biotech/moderns/jj/az and even sinovac and Sputnik? Not only researchers but also business side organizing production, distribution. I didn’t hear people disparaging say doctors who do risky surgeries and save some lives and get high salaries. Is it so hard to project this to developers despite all nonsense you hear on social media?

  11. ChayavChayleh: Your post about “stealing” and “theft” is a bit more incoherent than your usual rants. The Pfizer vaccines were shown to be the most effective for near term reduction of mortality/morbidity. Two thirds of the population chose to be vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna. Those who didn’t want to be vaccinated (nearly 80 million Americans) either relied upon natural immunity or other options.
    Save your rants for some right wing MAGA rally.

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