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NEW STUDY: Most U.S. Jews Identify As Democratic, Most Orthodox Jews Are Conservative Republican

(Mark Lennihan / AP Photo )

A study conducted by Pew Research finds that US Jews tend to tilt towards strongly liberal ideologies and overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party, though Orthodox Jews are solidly conservative and Republican.

Overall, 71% of US Jews identified as liberal and supportive of the Democratic Party, while 26% said they are conservative and support the Republican Party. However, among Orthodox Jews, 75% said they are conservative, 20% said they are liberal, and 3% said they are somewhere in the middle.

Younger Jewish adults are much more likely to identify as Orthodox than older Jews, the study also found.

Among Jews ages 18 to 29, 17% identify as Orthodox, compared to just 3% who are 65 and older. Additionally, 11% of US Jewish adults under the age of 30 identify as ultra-Orthodox, compared with just 1% of Jews 65 and older.

About 4 in 10 Jewish adults under 30 identify as either Reform (29%) or Conservative (8%) compared to 7 in 10 Jews 65 and older who identify as either Reform or Conservative, showing that the Reform and Conservative movements are rapidly losing young followers.

Sadly, the study also found that 27% of US Jewish adults do not identify with Judaism.

“They consider themselves to be Jewish ethnically, culturally or by family background and have a Jewish parent or were raised Jewish, but they answer a question about their current religion by describing themselves as atheist, agnostic, or “nothing in particular” rather than as Jewish,” Pew’s report says.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. While it would be rude to ask, and difficult to research, I suspect that a very high percentage of the non-Orthodox Jews are in fact goyim with some Jewish ancestors. If you defined a Jew both halachically(maternal Jewish descent), and based on halachic observance (at least being Shomer Shabbos and Shomer Kashrus, by at least some standard, even if they eat cold tuna in treff restaurants and watch TV with a Shabbos timer), you would get a very different picture of the Jewish community.

  2. It comes down to this, if you care about Hashem, the 613 Mitzvos have meaning to you, and you value the Torah- you vote Republican.

  3. Did I understand these numbers correctly – that 17% of young Jews identify as Orthodox and an additional 11% identify as Ultra Orthodox, meaning 28% of young Jews identify as Orthodox or Ultra Orthodox? That would be quite amazing that over 1/4 of young Jews consider themselves as at least Orthodox!

    Or, does the article mean that out of the 17% of the young Jews who identify themselves as Orthodox, 11% identify as Ultra Orthodox, meaning only 6% identify as Orthodox?

    I hope it’s the former.

  4. Perhaps if the leadership of the Republican party were Rinos (which have retained a quality political hashgacha for generations) versus Magas (which have evolved into political treifus), you would see a modestly higher percentage of centrist Dems moving over to the Republican party.

  5. @Yukel face:
    the Chasidim generally vote democrat, and they are ultra-orthodox. in fact i suspect that it is them who are pushing the scale down towards democrats’ and the modern orthodox tend to vote republican.

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