WATCH THIS SICKNESS: Car Salesman Dresses Up as “Shlomo” to Sell Hondas

A car salesman in Long Beach, California who goes by the name MikeMaali on TikTok dressed up as a Jewish person and jokingly declared himself a MOTT (member of the tribe) in a marketing ploy to sell Honda vehicles.

“Want a good deal on a Honda? Come see Shlomo. Shlomo will give you a good deal,” the man says in a video he posted to TikTok. “M.O.T.T. – member of the tribe, baby.”

Honda replied to, which had published the video on its Twitter account.

“Honda condemns discrimination of any kind, and we expect our independently-owned dealers to uphold our principles,” Honda tweeted. “And employee of the dealer posted the content in question. We are investigating the situation.”

A short while later, the Honda dealership chimed in.

“Thank you for bringing this to our attention,” the dealership said. “We are appalled at this behavior because this is absolutely not who we are as a company. To that end, we have terminated the employee in question because we will not tolerate such conduct.”

The former salesman himself appeared to be unrepentant about his video.

“I still have my other job,” he wrote on TikTok after being fired. “I’m good that was a temporary part time gig. Good luck getting me fired from there.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. Now we are going to cry antisemitism for everything?? Because victimhood is so in style.
    There is nothing antisemitic here!

  2. To think this guy was being anti-Semitic isn’t right. He was trying the affinity angel or thinking that people might think he’s trust worthy by being an Orthodox Jew.
    He should be fired for faking!

  3. Oh please! This guy did nothing wrong. There was nothing anti semitic here. This cancel culture has gotten out of control. Total liberal lunacy.

  4. What’s antisemitic about this? I think I’ll hire this guy. Ooops I can’t I was cancelled because I’m against mask mandates. I support Trump. About 50 years ago my mother put black face on me for Purim.

  5. Interesting to see people here supporting this guy considering the “Shlomo the slasher” heading and the palestinian flag dead center in the title. Ok then. This is “funny” to you guys?

  6. Must be a slow day at the offices of Yeshiva World LOL,
    Why this would be news, is beyond comprehension.
    Hey Yeshiva world, Hello this is not anti-Semitic, you know what is?
    burning the Israeli flag on the streets of Williamsburg and Monsey. that is

  7. This seems like the Jewish version of black face.
    As a white Jew, I don’t find this offensive. I probably wouldn’t buy from any Jew if he identifies as a M.O.T.T. this guy isn’t any different.

  8. I’m sorry, thank you guys for pointing out the rather obvious Palestinian flag and “slasher” — sorry, didn’t notice it…

  9. I’m not sure what he was trying to do with his video. Was he trying to say that Jews are fare, will give you a good deal, and will not rip you off like the Palestinians (not the flag above his head)?

    Sounds like he’s complimenting Jews and insulting Palestinians.

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