WATCH: Eric Trump At ECAP Summit; “No Family In The World That Loves Orthodox Community More Than Trump Family

Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump, addressed the Orthodox Jewish crowd at the ECAP Healthcare Summit being held at Trump Doral in Miami on Monday.

“There is no family in the world that loves the Orthodox community more than the Trump family, and there is no family that loves Israel more than the Trump family,” Eric told the cheering crowd.

The young Trump said that “there is so much crossover between the conference and kind of what I do every day,” and gave a special shout-out to Ralph Herzka of Meridian Capital.

He noted the explosive growth of the ECAP Summit in recent years, saying that “we need more people that believe in capitalism, that believe in America, that believe in strength, that believe in hard work.”

Some in the crowd then began chanting “Let’s Go, Brandon!” a common refrain among anti-Biden Americans, to which Eric laughed and said he wasn’t planning on getting political during his speech, but still, “FJB” – an acronym for cursing out President Biden.

See the video of his comments below.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. They changed a placard on a building in Jerusalem from “Consulate” to “Embassy”. They changed the placard on a building in Tel Aviv from “Embassy” to “Consulate”.

  2. As Rabbi Mendel Kessin explained in some of his videos, President Trump is the “tov sh’beh Esav”, who acts in his proper role as a brother to Yaakov.

    So we should treat President Trump with respect even if we don’t always agree with his policies.

  3. rightjew who says we dont agree with his policies? you want all the illegals flooding across the border and crazy inflation under this fellow Biden? With Trump everything was good until the media created multiple hoaxes. huju how can Obama explain his personal association with jeremiah wright and farrakhan and sharpton?

  4. Huju, you are lying. There is NO love of Trump among antisemites. On the contrary, antisemites hate him just as much as you do, precisely because he’s a Jew-lover. Maybe you should ask yourself why you’re on the antisemites’ side.

  5. huju:
    Those anti-semites happen to believe in many of the same things as they do, like at least trying to stop the tsunami of immorality that has engulfed the world including this country.

    Unfortunately, many of these same anti-semites don’t seem to know that real Jews (not the liberal essentially gentile JINOs) also want a moral country (and world) for our families.

  6. Ugh, yes, unfortunately a lot of right wing people are antisemites because there are way too many sick eftist jews destroying this country… and morality in general. Very sad. Jews have special power, when they fail to use it for the good, they use it for the bad.
    But antisemitism on the left is really much more common, and they are not shy about it at all

  7. Both Rav Dovid Feinstein zatzal and יבדלו מחיים לחיים Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky said to vote for Trump because he was good to Eretz Yisroel and good for Torah Jews in the states. One doesn’t have to like the person or his lifestyle but the הכרת הטוב for what he did is a hallmark of Yidishkeit.

  8. Trump is NOT Popular by the BLM anti Semites. Neither by the Tlaib and cronies. Nope not close.
    Neither by any of the other elements that physically attack Jews across America.

  9. Domenick00: That’s complete rubbish and false. Don’t believe every falsehood the New York Times feeds you. Fred Trump built shuls for free as a gift for his tenants. He was never at the rally you alluded to, the NYT notwithstanding.

  10. UJM, it is true that a teenaged Fred Trump was arrested during a KKK march. But there is no record of what he was arrested for, and therefore no evidence that he was a KKK supporter. Nor, supposing he was in fact a supporter, would that make him an antisemite; not everyone who supported the Klan endorsed all of its positions. And even if we were to suppose he was an antisemite as a youth, that does not tell us anything about the rest of his life. What we do know without any doubt is that the adult Fred Trump was very generous to the Beach Haven shul and to the Jewish community generally.

    I remember people with torches chanting ‘Jews will not replace us”. I do not remember any of them being identified as Republicans, let alone as Trump supporters, nor did Trump have anything nice to say about them, so it’s dishonest to associate him with them. (I just know you’re itching to claim that Trump called them “fine people”, so I’m warning you in advance that if you do that you will be a filthy liar whose mouth Hashem should stop, as the posuk says “ki yisocher”. It is a blood libel invented by the Trump-haters, most of whom are themselves antisemites.)

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