MORE HATE IN CHICAGO: “All Of You Should Be Killed”

(Via Chicago Police)

Chicago police are searching for a suspect who threatened Jewish children at Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi on January 13th.

According to reports, the suspect, a black male with a moustache, yelled profanities and slurs at a teacher and her students, including “all of you should be killed,” as he walked past them outside the school.

Police are asking anyone with information about the suspect or the incident to call the Detectives Bureau at 312-744-8261.

The Jewish community in Chicago has been experiencing a spate of recent antisemitic attacks.

Last week, Shahid Hussein, 39, was arrested for spray-painting swastikas on two shuls and Jewish high schools in West Rogers Park, and a Jew was beaten on the streets of Chicago in a separate incident.

“We are not going to be scared,” Rabbi Levi Notik of the F.R.E.E. shul told Fox News. “We are going to stand strong, we’ll get through this. Judaism’s antidote to hate is love and our solution to darkness is light and our remedy to evil is good.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. That’s terrible, but why are the police looking for him? He committed no crime. Saying that someone should be killed is protected by the first amendment, so it’s impossible to make a law against it.

  2. Milhouse – Hate crime (ILCS 5/12-7.1). Class 3 felony for the first offense and class 2 felony for subsequent offenses (subsection (b-5)(1) there).

  3. To Milhouse, Esq.: Incitement to commit a crime is not protected free speech. Saying ignorant things on line is, so you are in the clear.

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