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MUST WATCH VIDEO: Non-Jew Prays At R’ Shayele’s Kever And His Wife Was Healed

A non-Jew who works for the Reb Shayale Hachnasas Orchim guest house in Krestiner, Hungary posted a video about the yeshuah he experienced after he davened by Reb Shayele’s kever.

In the video obtained by B’Chadrei Chareidim, Christian, who is a non-Jew, relates in perfect Yiddish: “My wife was diagnosed with cancer two years ago and the doctors said she needed surgery.”

“I went to work by HaRav Friedlander in the Hachnasas Orchim and I told him I won’t be coming to work the next day because I had to go with my wife to the hospital.”

“He asked me what happened and I told him that my wife has cancer and needs surgery. He told me to go to the kever and pray. I told him: ‘But I’m not Jewish,’ but he told me that it doesn’t matter, Reb Shayele helps everyone.”

“I went to the kever. I wrote a kvittel, I lit candles and I prayed and I asked for a full recovery for my wife.”

“The next day, my wife went back to the hospital to be tested prior to the surgery. The doctor said: ‘I can’t understand what I’m seeing here. The tumor is shrinking.’ He delayed the surgery and we went home. We went back a while later and the cancer had disappeared.”

Christian added: “Six months ago, we had a baby and I named him Natan as thanks to Hashem Who gave me a child. Baruch Hashem, he’s healthy, everyone’s healthy in the zechus of Reb Shayele ben Reb Moshe.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. It’s a soft type of German that he is speaking that is common in countries other than german-speaking countries. Chechkoslovika, Hungary, etc.

  2. Is he a real Goy or does he just live like one? Just listen to him telling his story: way too Jewish sounding. His vernacular is too Jewish; in. he doesn’t say מאנאטען instead he says חדשים. That is one trigger. There are others.

  3. besalel, just like it’s not idol worship to ask a person for a favor, so too this is not idol worship. We find numerous sources for davening at kevarim. You certainly know about the matriarch Rachel. And yes Rachel helps by beseeching Hashem and Hashem answer her יש שכר לפעולתך.

    And ANON21, the reason to watch this video is because some people think that they know it all better than the numerous gedolim who would travel from their home towns in Poland, Galicia, Hungary to be at the tzion of The Rebbe R’ Elimelech of Lizhensk as well as to the kevarim of other great tzadikim to daven there, and these some people think that they know better and that it’s a futile effort to do so, so here you see how real this is that even a goy is heard.

  4. Some of you guys don’t believe in the power of Tzaddikim who can pray for you in the next world. I am not a chossid just a heimisha guy. I went to the kever of the Ribnitzer rebbe with a Kvittel for a frum boy from Brooklyn who went OTD and married a shiksa. I can tell you it worked. Today this boy is in kollel in Israel married with two kids. I have heard stories of situations when the rebbe was alive and he would ask for a picture of the shiksa and put a hole with a lit cigarette and I don’t want to tell you what happened. Hamaven yovan

  5. To all my Jewish brethren who are getting overly excited. Don’t.
    See דברי הימים ב׳ קאפיטעל ו׳ with Rashi etc.
    A Goy’s prayer at a holy site can be answered unconditionally.
    Not necessarily so for us Jews.

  6. 5. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is the only one to whom it is proper to pray, and that it is inappropriate to pray to anyone else. (Copied from

    There are videos a plenty of non-Jews praying TO tzadikim. That is pure apikorsis for us. We daven AT the kayver of tzadikim to HKBH bizchis hatzadikim

  7. He sounds like a goy who already spoke at least some German, and has picked up a lot of Yiddish from working with Jews all day.

    And he asked the Rebbe to daven to Hashem for him. Which is the Jewish tradition for 3500 years, and those who object are Protestants.

  8. I presume that he picked up Yiddish from the chassidim who visit the grave.

    Oftentimes, local Goyim are very respectful of the tzaddikim that are buried there. I heard of a story where a couple of vandals dirtied the kever of the Bardichiver. The chassidim reported the vandalism to the locals. The locals responded, “They were two teenagers who did it. We were very concerned that the vandalism of the Holy Rabbi’s kever would be a bad omen for the city of Bardichiv. To avenge the rabbi’s honor and to appease his wrath, we killed the two teenagers.”

  9. Velicher choosid & Milhouse: While it is true that the Mishna Berura, hardly a Protestant, writes that we should davven to H’ in the zchus of the niftar, and not to the niftar, but the Gesher Hachaim, hardly an apikorus, writes that one can ask the niftar to ask The RBSO for a salvation. So, both of you stop besmirching minhagei Yisroel. אלו ואלו דברי אלקים חיים

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