NY Sun Report: Billionare Wants to Topple Shelly Silver

shelly silver.jpgBillionaire Thomas Golisano has set his sights on the Democratic speaker of the Assembly, Sheldon Silver, who may soon bear the brunt of the Rochester Republican’s new political action committee.

Mr. Golisano, a three-time gubernatorial contender who is forming a PAC to spread his wealth to candidates across the state who pledge their support for his movement against Albany’s establishment, is considering bankrolling an effort to topple Mr. Silver, the longest-serving Democratic speaker in state history.

The possibility that one of New York’s wealthiest residents, a sharp-tongued, politically unpredictable businessman who has a history of saturating the state airwaves with his self-financed political ads, may target Mr. Silver has provoked some concern within the speaker’s political operation, according to a knowledgeable source.

The involvement of Mr. Golisano in the 64th Assembly district race has the potential to deprive Mr. Silver of one of his strongest advantages: his overwhelming fund-raising lead over his two primary opponents.

Mr. Golisano’s PAC, which he is expected to announce next week, could finance political ads attacking Mr. Silver and lend a hand to the ground operation of one of his opponents.

Mr. Golisano, who made his fortune from starting a payroll services business, is the founder of the Independence Party, the owner of the Buffalo Sabres, and an active philanthropist.

(NY Sun)

20 Responses

  1. Joseph,
    Losing a frum yid in such a powerful position would be a tragedy. You are constantly bashing Mr. Silver perhaps your real name is David?

  2. Shely Silver has helped us greatly. To Joseph- you are silly for using the Toeiva as the only issue. Please visit R’ Dovid w/ Shelly and ask him why he allows him to vote for it.

    BTW face reality Toeiva have rights just like us.

  3. Silver has voted against the Torah on more than just toeiva, although that one is a pretty big anti-Torah position for him to take. He is a bad public example of a Jew and it would be far better if he were out.

    Reb Dovid said he never gave reshus for him to vote that way. So don’t try to beshmutz Reb Dovid please.

    (#3, I am not nor do I know who you are referring to.)

  4. I believe Shelly Silver also voted against giving parents the right for Yeshiva tuitions to be tax deductable… nice …. Now go vote for him..

  5. i dont live in new york.

    but if you put in a vote for someone and knowingly help cause the spread of this toevah, whatever good this person has also done,
    you are voting yourself into Gehinnom.

  6. get your head out of the Toiva issue. get real NYS is not a relig. org or state. They have rights. Silver is there protecting us. It is utter stupidity to blast him for it.

  7. Mister Hall: An employer must accommodate a Sabbath observer ANYWHERE in the US. It is FEDERAL law. And Republicans have never blasted him for that. Obviously you are a party-line Dem.

    He’s against school (Yeshiva) vouchers, supports toeiva, supports gambling, … and the list goes on. Is this what we want to world to think a Frum Yid is like. I’d hope not.

  8. Go tommy go. Wish you the best.

    Shelly Silver is ruining this state and its economic base each and every day.

  9. “get your head out of the Toiva issue. They have rights.”

    the toevah issue is Hashem’s issue!

    yes they are granted rights, artificial rights granted by a wicked entity.
    in Emes their only rights are the right to choose Tshuvah or eternal punishment

  10. Mister Hall, I’m afraid it is you who engaged in your Democrat party based lies. Gov. Pataki as you said was a great friend for Yidden. And I remember that incident. He simply didn’t realize it was a religious observance for him. And he apologized profusely when informed. So it was not as you claimed “Republicans blasted him for it.”

    From the ADL:

    What does federal law require of an employer?
    Federal law requires an employer to “reasonably accommodate” an employee’s religious observances, practices and beliefs. However, an employer need not “reasonably accommodate” if the employer can show that accommodation would cause an “undue hardship” on business.

    What constitutes “reasonable accommodation” and “undue hardship” depends on the facts in a particular situation. Regardless of whether an accommodation is ultimately possible, the employer bears the burden of showing that a serious attempt was made.

    So once again I was correct in saying that an employer must accommodate a Sabbath observer based on FEDERAL law.

  11. Mister Hall, I just double-checked the NYTimes (4/15/03). Pataki never “blasted” anyone. He asked to continue budget negotiations during the 12-day Passover-Easter break in ’03 to complete the NY State budget in a timely manner. Obviously he was unaware of Orthodox Jewish proscription from working during Yom Tov. Silver took advantage of this innocent mistake and made a big stink about it. Thats all it was.

    In fact Pataki has a strong background as a strong friend to the Jewish community. He was a friend of the Yeshiva in Peekskill when he was Mayor there. And as an Assemblyman, he was known for bringing matzohs to his fellow lawmakers every Pesach. (per NYTimes 1/24/95).

  12. #17, Yes, and so? Obviously you ought to vote for a candidate that will oppose abortion, toeiva, and be tough on criminals (i.e. thieves.)

  13. #4 –
    They “have” rights? This is “reality”?
    Only if you live in the cruel, arrogant & detached world of the media.
    Their behavior is simply, genuinely bad. Just as stealing and murdering are.
    Human beings have a neshama (mind, soul) in addition to a body; anyone who appreciates this -even slightly- will not not be oblivious to the fact that toeva is a tremendous evil.
    Jews who are loyal to the Creator understand & appreciate the Torah’s law that a person is better off dying than engaging in destructive toeva.

  14. Mister Hall, You’ve again proven yourself foolish, as I’ve provided you with basic facts that refuted your points and instead of a logical response you make plain innuendo.

  15. I don’t care how orthodox everyone thinks he is. He is known as the most powerful person in the city. He could help the Jewish community with subsidization of tutition, but he continues to ignore the plight of his fellow jews to gain the support of his constituents.

    #2- just and opinion, anyone in public service has to have gavah.

  16. #23, sure you can — by not stopping the disease from spreading. Promoting it as an acceptable practice is one example. If people know it is unacceptable, others inflicted with it may seek treatment rather than engaging in that sickness.

  17. #25,

    If someone encourages such behavior as being normal, others will engage in it. If it is treated as abnormal, others will refrain from it. Many people will shy away from something society considers abnormal.

    So “spreading” can be done via encouragement, not necessarily by physical contact.

    Someone with such an inclination could seek treatment of his abnormality, much as he would if he had an inclination towards minors. But I suppose much as they say pedophilia is untreatable, you would say toeiva is untreatable.

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