BIDEN’S AMERICA: Joe’s First Year in Office Ends with Most Cops Killed Since 1995

President Biden came into office promising to restore order in the country, but criminals must have not gotten the memo.

In Biden’s first year in office, more cops were killed in the line of duty than in any other year since 1995.

73 police officers were killed in 2021, representing a stunning 59% increase over 2020. In 1995, 74 police officers were killed in the line of duty.

The numbers do not account for the number of police officers who died on 9/11.

“We believe it’s a combination… of the George Floyd protests – riots, if you will; a general feeling of a preference for less law enforcement; and less prosecution and less policing,” president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund told Fox News.

“Law enforcement officers have essentially been marginalized and demoralized and cast aside and encouraged now to enforce the law,” he added. “And so we’ve seen massive jumps in the homicide rate in cities across America.”

He noted that it only makes sense that soaring homicide rates “also resulted in many more officers being assaulted because a lot of leaders in these cities and leaders in Congress and leaders in the White House have really voiced a lack of respect for law enforcement officers.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. Law enforcement is primarily a state and local responsibility. It’s not Biden’s job. He has managed to mess up in many other areas which are his responsibility, so why blame him for something he has nothing to do with.

    The deaths of police, and growth in crime, appears to be correlated with Democratic officials make fools of themselves on a state and local level. Why give them “cover” for their misfeasance (at best) by placing the blame on Biden?

  2. Biden promised he will bring Unity.

    Also said he will shut down the virus.

    Also ignored all the thugs that physically assault people and murder others, because they have a certain color skin.

  3. “leaders voiced a lack of respect for law enforcement officers”
    Sir please say it as is – leaders voiced support for these BLM, and their ilk, thugs and murderers.

  4. The article fails to give appropriate credit to the Trumpkopf and his 2nd amendment groupies for making so many of the guns involved in these shootings so easy to obtain. Kol hakovod to the NRA and the “guns don’t kill people..” crazies.

  5. I remember Covid came into America under trump. I remember the only shut down under trump. I also remember the riots under trump.

  6. I would be curious to know how many health care workers die in the line of duty, e.g., by catching diseases from patients, from killing overtime, et al. How about teachers die in the line of duty from catching diseases from pupils?

  7. I fail to understand what the killings of police officers have to do with the President unless you are blaming him for not getting real gun control legislation through Congress. The problem is the over abundance of guns in America, the loose restrictions in many states and the new mail order “ghost guns”. Many of the guns used in recent killings have been reported as stolen. There are about 300 million guns in America, which is more than one for every adult and there are estimates that 400,000 – 500,000 guns are stolen every year in this country. Burglars look for guns as well as jewelry and cash because they are easy to sell. Too many guns cause too many deaths by gun including 25,000 suicides by gun each year in America. I, myself knew 2 NYC cops who killed themselves with guns and one man who killed his wife with his gun in a child custody dispute.

  8. Dr. Hall-

    Please read the article. The second paragraph says “in the line of duty”.

    I believe the count refers to the heroes who got up in the morning to perform their sworn duty to protect me, you and everyone else- including those who are demanding that they be defunded- but unfortunately didn’t come home.

    As a statistician I’m sure you realized that.

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