THIEVES: Cruz Calls for Probe After GoFundMe Steals Trucker Convoy Donations

Truck drivers hang a Canadian flag on the front grill of a truck parked in downtown Ottawa, Ontario, near Parliament Hill. Photo: AP

Senator Ted Cruz has sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) asking for an investigation into organic fundraising platform GoFundMe after the company shut down the campaign of the Canadian truckers protesting vaccine mandates.

“Today I sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission asking that the FTC open an investigation into GoFundMe into whether they’ve committed deceptive trade practices,” Cruz told Fox News on Sunday morning.

“Because when people gave money, they gave money under the promise it would go to the Freedom Convoy, not to whatever left-wing political ideology GoFundMe and other Silicon Valley companies support. They are deceiving consumers and it is wrong,” he said.

GoFundMe said that it had ended the fundraiser because it had seen  “evidence from law enforcement that the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation.”

Instead of refunding the money, GoFundMe plans to give the remaining $9 million donated to the truckers to other charities it approves of.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Stealing money is a crime. Claiming you are collecting money on behalf of someone, and then doing something else with it is a crime. Furthermore, it is a crime in every jurisdiction in which the donor or the intended recipient reside. Given the amount of money involved, this is clearly a matter for a Grand Jury. What does the Federal Trade Commission have to do with it? And Senator Cruz is a lawyer, and knows that very well. If there is anything “civil”, it would be class action by the donors against “GoFundMe” and the financial institutions that facilitated the theft.

  2. Old news. They walked that back and will be refunding all donations automatically. (and even before, donors could ask for a refund). But totally wrong.
    However, yay Canada for finally standing up! Took almost 2 years but at least the sheep are revolting at last.

  3. So some people it takes longer to stop listening to stupid lockdowns.
    and gofundme could probably be sued for breaking a contract, but will probably have some democrat throw out the case.
    anyway this will be exciting to watch

  4. Is the YWN editor deliberately trying to create clicks or did he/she simply sleep-in today and not bother to check that GFM had reversed the decision made at a lower staff level immediately after the obvious stupidity was revealed. It is the standard policy of most of these fundraising platforms to have an “opt-in” policy on refunds when the original charitable funding cause is shown to be suspect or fraudulent. In this case, it was so politicized that the regular policy made no sense.

  5. Ted Cruz, a Canadian by birth has his facts wrong. Go Fund Me is refunding these donations. He should be investigating a US company raising money for a foreign cause.

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