HATE IN WILLIAMSBURG: Chasidim Targeted in Unprovoked Attacks [VIDEO]

The NYPD Hate Crimes Unit is investigating after an unprovoked attack on a pair of Jewish men occurred on Friday night.

The United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn (UJO) says the incident occurred as the Jewish men were walking in the area of Marcy Ave. and Stockton St. in Williamsburg.

Security footage from the attack shows two chasidic males walking on the sidewalk, when a suspect creeps up behind them and strikes one of the men in the head.

The suspect then fled the scene as the victims gathered their bearings. No words were exchanged between the suspect and his victims.

Shomrim and the UJO contacted the 79th NYPD Precinct, who have initiated an investigation into the incident.

In a second reported incident, two suspects attacked another pair of chasidim, throwing their shtreimels to the floor before fleeing.

Anyone with information regarding this incidents is requested to contact police and Williamsburg Shomrim.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. All this is because wealthy antibellum Southern plantation owners were too cheap to pay wages to white laborers. Their bottom line was enhanced giving no thought to cause and effect one century into the future.

  2. 2 cops where killed and ambushed like a block away a couple of years ago. This is one if the worse blocks in Bedford Stuyvesant developers are hungry for money and send our innocent kids into the worse slum and hoods how they are called

  3. Look, I Am very far from a chossid but the time has come for people who live Judaism to step up. Put some lead in these guys.

  4. Hey where is the headline screaming “where is the outrage?” “will the governor of New York pay something?” ?
    Oh we only do that if a few people in Florida held signs, and the Florida governor is republican. Don’t great anyone to scream about attacks in New York where they actually physically actually Jews

  5. Hey where is the headline screaming “where is the outrage?” “will the governor of New York say something?” ?
    Oh we only do that if a few people in Florida held signs, and the Florida governor is republican. Don’t great anyone to scream about attacks in New York where they actually physically actually Jews

  6. @Arizona are you trying to say people are not to be blamed for theirs own actions rather blame some guy from over a country ago?

    How about blaming the blacks that sold their fellow blacks to those rich plantation owners ?

  7. @Arizona,
    They were not cheap. There was no one to hire. People leave home, take a dangerous journey, and work at back breaking jobs cuz they’re starving at home. The economy was good in England where people came from, so there wasn’t enough White manpower available.

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