TRUMP VS PENCE – THE FIGHT IS ON! Trump Fires Back at Pence for Rejecting His Claims [SEE THE VIDEO]

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Hours after former vice president Mike Pence publicly rejected Donald Trump’s claim that he could have unilaterally overturned the 2020 presidential election, Trump fired back.

“Just saw Mike Pence’s statement on the fact that he had no right to do anything with respect to the Electoral Vote Count, other than being an automatic conveyor belt for the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to get Biden elected President as quickly as possible,” Trump wrote in a statement.

Trump said that if “obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist” then Pence would have the authority to refuse to certify the election – a claim that holds no legal water.

On Friday, Pence said in a speech that Trump was “wrong” that he could have rejected the election results and sent them back to state legislatures.

“I had no right to overturn the election,” Pence said. “Frankly there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

19 Responses

  1. Its not an “issue”. No one but a few soon-to-be disbarred (and possibly criminally indicted) “lawyers” working for Trump formulated various iterations of these stupid claims that an even more delusional Trump was willing to accept and run with. AG Barr, the WH counsel and every Republican lawyer in his administration and outside thought these ideas were beyond stupid and mistakenly hoped that by ignoring them Trump would move on. Trump has clung to these theories like a drowning man clinging to a leaking flotation device. His delusional mind and uncontrollable narcissism will never let him finally realize he lost and acknowledge the game is over.

  2. Trump, when he lost the election, went crazy and went OCD over it. Regardless as to whether he lost legitimately or not, if he continues with his constant rant, even Kamala Harris will be able to beat him in 2024.

  3. Trump has become the Hillary Clinton of the Republican party. His usefulness for the future of the Republican party is over. He’s only damaging it at this point. Mike Pence is a God fearing righteous gentile from the Bible Belt. He has very good character traits. He is a true Conservative. The Manhattan limousine liberal, Donald Trump, lacks all of those qualities. As a registered Republican, I would proudly vote for Mike Pence in a primary if he would so desire to run.

  4. The democrats did enough cheating and falsifying in regard to the election that pence could have done something out of his comfort zone to stop the fraud from producing fruit.

  5. If there were anyone else in the Republican party to vote for, I’d vote for him. But as it stands, it seems like Trump will win the primary. What a world we live in. Well, everything that Hashem does is for the good.

  6. Trump is a sick man. He will attack his most loyal supporters if it suits his needs. He is a dangerous liar.

    Pence was loyal to him for years. Trump attacked him and lied about him repeatedly. Pence finally spoke up and Trump savagely attacks him. Same for Trump’s attacks on Lindsey Graham last week and his attacks on Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr.

    Trump is a petty vile and grotesque man. Let us all daven that he never again gets anywhere near the levers of power.

  7. Yaapchik. There is no need for “experts.” It is basic Constitution vs despot wanna be. (sadly all too many are fine with an undemocratic despot as long as he is good for them)

  8. Yaapchik, it’s not as simple as that. The constitution says the VP chairs the sitting at which the votes are counted. It doesn’t say what he should do if he believes some of the votes are invalid and shouldn’t be counted. One can read it Pence’s way and say he has no discretion. He is merely the chairman, and has no power to decide anything. Or one can read it Trump’s way, and say that being in the chair necessarily means if he sees something wrong he can stop it. If he believes a certain vote is invalid he can instruct the clerks doing the actual counting not to count it.

    The Electoral Count Act says the VP can’t do anything, but Congress can. If Congress believes a vote is invalid it can decide not to count it. But who says that Act is constitutional? It’s reasonable to argue that it isn’t. Congress can’t unilaterally add to its own powers. So maybe the VP has the power after all. Or maybe nobody has the power, and a vote must be counted even if everyonne thinks it’s invalid. But that makes no sense.

    What’s pretty certain is that no court will interfere in this question, because it’s an internal matter of Congress, and none of the courts’ business.

  9. If this is a frum site, why publish Operation-Mockingbird-type filler like this? Not a single reader benefited from reading it. It’s totally irrelevant to the personal lives of your audience, or at least it should be. The time lost never can be regained. Side point: it takes some time to learn every word of chazal (not just the Bavli, but the Yerushalmi, the Tosefta, the Sifra, Sifrei Devarim, Sifrei BaMidbar, Mechilta deRebbi Yishmael, Mechilta deRebbi Shimon ben Yochai, Midrash Rabba, Targum, and mesechtos katanos). I would hope at least 70 decent bnei Yisroel used their time wisely to learn at least those sources. I worry because I do not know a single Yid who has, and the only Yid who I am told has appears to have zero control over his own life, and his name used to shill for a genetics experiment. So, you haven’t learned the Torah, perhaps not a single reliable Yid has, and yet you prioritize filling your mind with goyish political theater that literally was scripted for morons? Dare I say you are going in their ways.

  10. The sad thing is that as beneficial as Trump was for Yidden, if by some miracle he were reelected, he probably wouldn’t be the same as he was in his first term.
    Though he may have some rightful grievances, his loss of the election made him lose his mind completely.
    There were other presidents & politicians that were cheated out of an election, but at some point you need to accept that life, and certainly not politics, isn’t always fair and you need to know when it’s over.
    If he had stopped his nonsense and gracefully stepped aside even by Jan 1st, he would be very well positioned to win the 2024 election, while at the moment only 33% of REPUBLICANS want him to run at all.
    But no, his gargantuan ego can’t let him take a loss. Instead he’s been hard at work alienating many of his former friends, including Bibi, who he feels betrayed him. His comments about him, and about Israel’s willingness to make peace, mean that he wouldn’t be quite as friendly to Israel next time around, I believe.

  11. Schmendrick(שמענדריק): Yiddish term for an ineffectual or foolish individual

    Obviously, 99% of the Yidden frequenting this site and engaging in discussions here in the CR have a balanced life where public policy issues in both the U.S. and EY are of interest and importance. Not sure why you took the time out from your shteiging to provide musar to the YWN editorial staff on their coverage of a news story that was “front page” on every paper, cable news channel and website in the country erev shabbos. Today, on the Sunday News shows, some of the more conservative Republican senators (Rubio Barrasso, Rounds, etc.) joined Pence and blew off Trump’s rants as irrational and lacking in any legal basis.

  12. Pence is definitely correct as a matter of law.

    Given that Trump ran behind the rest of the Republican ticket, he has to get used to the idea that he lost because a lot of Republicans split their ticket. He should apologize to Pence, and express a willingness to support Pence in 2024, with a vice-president who is a young die-hard MAGA type (De Santis maybe, Cotton perhaps, Noem might be interesting) – balancing a “MAGA” on top with someone acceptable to non-Trump Republicans would be tricky since unlike Pence, who was made Vice-President by Trump, the other non-MAGA Republicans (e.g. Cheney, Romney, Collins, etc.) tend to be unacceptable to most MAGA types

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