TRAGEDY IN LOS ANGELES: Young Couple In Horrific Crash In Denver; Mother R”L Killed, Father Injured

Tragedy struck the Los Angeles Jewish community on Thursday morning, when word spread of a horrific incident.

Sources tell YWN that a young couple from the community traveled to Denver to go on a skiing trip. They were travelling on Interstate 70 in Idaho Springs, when their vehicle (Jeep Compass Trailhawk) collided with a disabled tractor-trailer at around 5:30PM on Wednesday evening.

Tragically, 33-year-old Leora Ezoory A”H was Niftar at the scene. Her husband was rushed to the hospital where he was initially listed in serious condition. Bichasdei Hashem he has stabilized.

Misaskim of Los Angeles has been working around the clock to ensure Kavod Hames, and have arranged for Hatzolah Air to fly a family member of the husband to be with him, while taking the Nifteres back to Los Angeles for Kevura.

Tragically, left behind are five young children, the oldest just 11-years-old, and the youngest just 7 months-old.

A Chesed Fund has been set up to assist the family and the Yesomim. PLEASE DONATE GENEROUSLY.

PLEASE SAY TEHILLIM FOR: Eliyahu Shmuel Ben Leah.

Levaya details will be published when they became available to us.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Every day we see terrible news. And this is Adar…. Baruch Dayan HaEmes, and may Eliyahu Shmuel ben Leah have a full recovery. Those poor yesomim!

  2. The levaya will be today Thursday 2/3/22 at Congregation Sharei Tefila 7269 Beverly Blvd LA CA 90036

    at 3:00pm followed by burial at Home of Peace 4334 Whittier Blvd LA CA

    Shiva details to follow

    Live link

  3. I was one grade younger then Joel in TA. He did not come from the most Yesivhish background but he pushed himself hard then anybody there to grow and accomplish in Torah and to grow. Even though I’m older I looked up to him and was inspired with what he was able to accomplish.
    I’m so so sorry.

  4. Our community is in mourning. Levaya was heartwrenching.
    I know for a fact they really need the funds as she was a major breadwinner. If you think the amount raised is huge it wont last. These adorable kids are going to need tatty home with them. Please be generous, and forward the link to your lists.

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