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MAJOR UPDATE: Unvaccinated Students Can Enter Israel

Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz of Eretz Hakodesh announced on Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Adar, that anyone with valid student visas can now enter Israel even if they’re not vaccinated or recovered.

Students holding valid student visas can just show up at the airport and will be allowed to fly to Israel. This means that yeshivah bochurim and seminary students will be able to return home for Pesach without being vaccinated or recovered.

Another new development is that children of student visa holders will no longer need special permits to enter Israel.


In a sign of the increasing easing of Covid rules, non- vaccinated and non-recovered student visa holders will be permitted to enter Israel.

Since November 1, student visas holders have only been granted entry to Israel if fully vaccinated or recovered (in Israel). This rule has caused untold difficulties for visa holders who for whatever reason did not hold this status. It has especially been a major headache for children of visa holders, who live in Israel, but are too young to be vaccinated. Special permits have been required to obtain special permits to return to Israel if they travelled abroad for any reason.

On a daily basis, Chaim V’Chessed has needed to intervene to obtain permits for such families who were stuck abroad, having difficulty obtaining these permits. In the past day alone, 9 families have availed themselves of this assistance. This will now be unnecessary, as all unvaccinated/ non-recovered travelers will be permitted to enter if they hold valid visas. Furthermore, presumably, all yeshiva and seminary students with valid visas will be permitted to travel for Pesach, regardless of their vaccination or recovery status.

Students in this category will receive a Red notice on the pre-flight form. Still, they will be allowed to board upon presentation of a valid student visa. Chaim V’Chessed is currently contacting airlines to make sure that they are appraised of the new rules. Thanks are due to our colleague, Rabbi Nechemia Malinowitz of the Igud who was instrumental in this new rule.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. If too young to be vaccinated is one thing.
    But anyone eligible to take it and refuses?
    Isreal should NOT allow them in.
    What on earth are they thinking!

  2. Ironically named organization Chaim & Chessed advocating for unvaccinated people to travel to Eretz Hakadosh. And back & forth for Pesach… If you look at stats, major outbreaks in all countries are around holiday seasons and start of school year. This is not Chesed and R’L opposite of Chaim.

    Practical impact, hopefully, will be limited, though, as I would guess those in Jewish communities who are not vaccinated, are recovered (opinion polls say those who believe in “natural immunity” are 3 times more likely to get infected).

  3. Rabbosai, take heed to this wake up call! Make Aliyah while you can, Hashem is giving us another chance to enter Eretz Yisrael after the borders were closed fo so long. No strings attached, pick up and make Aliyah!

  4. Does anyone know when they will lift the restrictions on traveling to E Y with children that are unvaccinated below five years old ?

  5. Wow! @long island, you’re obviously not in reality. Most Israelis took 2 or 3 and some 4 vaccines and everyone is as sick as can be. So stop pretending that the vaccine works. By now everyone who cares about facts knows that the vaccines don’t prevent sickness, transmission and even hospitalization. No need to come to israel if unvaccinated people scare you (proves that you don’t trust your vaccine)
    For everyone else… let’s enjoy eretz yisroel!!!

  6. Vaccines don’t help. So many are in the hospital in israel from covid & most are vaccinated a few times. & we don’t know the long term damaging effects of this questionable vaccine to take this risk, after so many young & previously healthy people have sudden heart attacks & strokes very soon after taking the vaccine, so everyone should have the right to refuse it if they feel it can poison them. Esp since anyone can Heal from covid very easily if they take the right protocol and/or medicine. & I don’t mean to run to the hospital for THEM to heal you, cuz they don’t heal anyone with covid there. It’s better to keep away from the hospital & let the virus run its course at home like a flu, with the proper treatment. & whoever wishes to take the vaccines (& to keep getting “boosted” every few months), that is fine if that’s their wish, as long as they don’t force it into others who know the harm associated with it from the doctors & scientists where they get their sourced from. Everyone is entitled to take care of themselves the way they feel can keep them healthy (from the sources they get their info from, or from their own research). can keep them healthy.

  7. Not only are hundreds dying, but there have been dramatic increases in myocarditis and miscarriage in healthy young people, all due to the following:

    1. The lipid nanoparticles, the carriers of the mRNA, were supposed to remain in the muscle but ended up broadly distributed throughout the body, notably in the ovaries, the liver, and possibly the bone marrow;

    2. Concerns have been raised regarding the novel use of PEG adjuvant. Notably, prior research had raised the risk of cardiac anaphylaxis at second injection;

    3. ACE-2 receptors susceptible to binding to the spike protein are highly expressed in blood vessel lining cells of highly sensitive areas, such as the brain, the heart, the lungs, the liver, and both male and female reproductive systems;

    4. The spike proteins induced by mRNA/DNA vaccines have been shown to be pathogenic and highly inflammatory, notably because of the similarity of a spike sequence to that of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B. It has also been found to be directly causing blood clots through platelet activation.

  8. I was interested in TYW’s unsourced medical information. The source seems to be very a detailed article by a French dude with an MBA and MS in Economics and a $2M investor in a Israeli 5-person automotive company – unless he copied them from some other source that I did not find.

  9. It seems like people just want to stay in lockdown from these comments, first they say that people that say that vaccines don’t stop spread don’t believe in science, than when politicians (Scientists) are asked about how vaccine passports stop the spread of Covid the politicians (Scientists) back off then the left yells vaccines………………………………………………………………………

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