TRUMP UNLOADS: Calls Lindsey Graham “RINO”; Says “Did More Than Most Presidents Would Do In 30 Years”

(Jason Fochtman/Houston Chronicle via AP)

“Our country is going to hell and we’re going to make American great again, again, I sort of say,” Trump continued. “And I smile, but there’s nothing to smile about, because our country is going bad. We’re not going to have a country much longer, if it keeps going. I don’t think any president has done this damage.

“You can add up five presidents, they haven’t done the damage that this man has done in the last year, if you look at everything: With the economy, with inflation, the COVID, the military embarrassment in Afghanistan.”

“Our military has gone down in the eyes of the public 70%,” Trump said, adding, “we have great generals, except for the television generals – they’re stupid people.”

Biden has botched the COVID-19 response, too, Trump insisted, as “substantially more people have died” under Biden with the vaccines than under Trump.

“We handed them over something that was incredible, and they really blew it on COVID,” Trump said. “They really blew it.”

“I did more than most presidents would do in 30 years, between the taxes, deregulation, the business, and everything else – then I got hit with the COVID from China,” he concluded, noting the pandemic has caused $60 trillion in “damage worldwide, and that’s not counting all the death.”

Trump was then asked in his interview what he thought of Lindsey Graham’s comments that he disagreed with Trump to offer pardons to Jan 6 rioters and called Trump’s remarks “inappropriate”.

“You talked about the potential, if it’s appropriate, of pardoning some of the January 6ers,” Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt asked the former president. “Lindsey Graham said a couple days later, he thinks that’s inappropriate. What do you think?”

“Well, Lindsey Graham’s wrong. I mean, Lindsey’s a nice guy, but he’s a RINO. Lindsey’s wrong,” Trump said, using the acronym for “Republican In Name Only.”

“Lindsey Graham doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about if he says that,” Trump added later in the interview.

TRUMP: Ongoing Russia-Ukraine tensions “wouldn’t have happened” if he were still in office. “This was not even thinkable.”

“It’s looking like they will” make a move on Ukraine, Trump told Tuesday’s “Rob Schmitt Tonight.” “I would have said it’s not even possible. This is not something that ever would have happened if we were there.

“You have to project strength,” Trump continued. “He doesn’t have any respect for our leadership. He doesn’t have any respect for our country anymore.

“They respected our country, and frankly, they respected our leader a year ago. This is not something that ever was going to happen.

“This was not even thinkable,” Trump added.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. Sen.Graham is a Rino, Sen.McConnell is an “old crow”, Sen. Sasse is a “traitorous liar”, Sen. Rische (co-chair of Foreign Relations Committee) is a “moron”, Murkowski is a “xxitch”, =Sen. Collins is a “sick old lady” etc.etc.

    The ONLY intelligent life left in the Senate are the handful of Trumkopf sycophants like Cruz, Hawley etc. who are willing to lie, humiliate and prostrate themselves to remain in his good graces

  2. Yes, because things will be way totally different with that actor repeating what he is told to say through his earpiece than Biden. Biden can hardly read a teleprompter. He’s unqualified for political acting.

  3. Trump’s needs a refua shleima. The guy is clearly mentally unwell. Most of the crazy things he has said and done over the past year seem more out of delusion than malice.

    Note: I would also pardon any January 6th protester whose crime was limited to non violent trespassing. Not because they really deserve the pardon but because the different treatment between them and the BLM rioters
    (1)makes a mockery of equal treatment under the law (2)carries a major risk of causing serious radicalization for those involved and their sympathizers

  4. Trump calling someone a RINO is like arguing that Nixon was not a “criminal”. Graham and 80% of the Senate reflect what historically have been standard elements of the Republican Platform over the past 50 years. Trump has adopted a new definition of what being a “Republican” means and that new definition is a incoherent collection of whatever positions he may take at any point in time all of which are grounded in adoration of his persona (sort of like the North Korean, Russian and China despot he apparently admires). He now has Tucker Carlson enforcing his new political vocabulary

  5. Does Trump ever grant interviews to reputable media? I recall he once did an interview for 60 Minutes and walked out when presented with tough questions.

  6. Yup….wanting some degree of racial and ethnic balance on the courts is clearly racist. Clearly, certain framers of the Constitution did not intend for Blacks to be sitting on the nation’s highest court since that would have resulted in an adverse affect on their cotton harvesting. It was even more racist when we insisted that certain neighborhoods remove legal constraints imposed in property deeds and titles making it unlawful to sell the property to Blacks and Jews. Whatever our problem, get over it because in about 2 months, there WILL be black woman sitting on the Court.

  7. Only on the alt-right websites comments the like of YWN comments can be found.

    YWN is a disgrace and should be blocked by all filter companies.

  8. If you define a normal modern Republican as someone such as Ronald Reagan (as opposed to the “Country Club old-stock WASP types such as George Bush), then arguably Trump is the RINO, albeit a stampeding and very loud one. Trump reject the muscular American First (as in first to lead in opposing tyranny) policy of Reagan. He rejected Reagan’s support for immigration. He reject fiscal conservatism and spent money like a drunken Democrat. Trump is in the “big government” tradition of the old establishment Republicans (e.g. Nelson Rockefeller). If you realize that the Democrats were in the recent past known for big government, opposing working class immigration, fiscal irresponsibility and a reluctance to get involve in foreign wars, you would have to conclude that Trump is a Democrat (albeit one who rebranded himself as a Republican when “political correctness” took over the Democrats and left no room for Trump).


  10. There is a simple reason why Jan. six rioters are different than BLM and the like: Jan. six was about undermining the core of our democracy – Vrs BLM that at its center was that we should treat everyone equally and with kindness.

    While at times undermining democracy can be peaceful and promoting kindness can cause harm, there is a need to understand the underlying essential nature of a cause.

  11. Trump is allowed to have an opinion, as everyone is.

    And by the way, there is no basis WHATSOEVER for saying that he is things like “immoral, lunatic, cheater, liar, adulterer, filthy rat, etc.” It’s all simple hate and jealousy of trump that he is rich, powerfull, etc. and all in the mind and made (fake) reality by the fake news media. And sadly some people fall for these brainwash loads. Very sad.
    To all those who are calling trump terrible things: Nebach on you. I hope one day you somehow find your marbles and grow a new, clean, brain.

  12. GHD, you wouldn’t know what a real Republican is if one hit you in the nose, which you richly deserve. Graham was well-known as a RINO long before Trump decided to be a Republican. He’s one of the people the term RINO was invented for.

    Akuperma, Trump personally has never been a conservative, but as president he governed like one. In terms of actual achievement, he was the most conservative president since Coolidge. Reagan was a true intellectual and believed all the right things, but he wasn’t able to achieve almost any of it. Trump, who doesn’t believe in anything, carried out more of Reagan’s agenda than Reagan did. Cutting taxes, cutting regulations, asserting America’s interests in the world, really the only area he deviated from standard Republican doctrine is on protectionism, and every Republican president including Reagan sins in that area. It’s like the Tanach says about the good kings, “Rak habamos lo saru”.

  13. TS Baum, it is unfortunately a historical fact that Trump did commit adultery, and in his business life he was a con man and a bully. He’s the first president to have been elected despite it being public knowledge that he had committed adultery (Clinton denied it and many people believed him; the news industry covered up for Kennedy, Johnson, and Roosevelt; and Harding’s affairs were deep dark secrets that *nobody* knew about until after his death).

  14. Dorah,

    If you really wanted “some degree of racial and ethnic balance on the courts” you’d be advocating for an Asian American, the fastest growing demographic in this country and never represented on the Supreme Court.

    In reality, all you care about is your filthy, racist, woke politics.

  15. “Honesty period”:
    No, Jan 6th was at most a riot, but was, if anything, about supporting our democracy. Despite the media propagandists incessant lie about that having been an “insurrection”, it was, if anything, the opposite. The situation in which the country is in now, is a democrat/woke hijacking of the country.

  16. Dofi: We take the world as it is….use all the silly and childish names in your limited lexicon, but there will be a black woman on the court in 2 months.
    And on the one point you make a granule of sense, the NEXT Biden appointment will hopefully be, Clarence Thomas’ replacement, Chief Judge of the D.C. Circuit, Sri Srinivasan, Stanford law grad, clerked for the legendary Judge Wilkinson on the Fourth Circuit, law clerk Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and served as Deputy SG

  17. Dorah,

    My lexicon of childish names is indeed quite limited and without question, you hold the YWN record for ad hominem attacks. You must be very proud.

    “Filthy racism” is a most accurate description of your warped world view.

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