INSANITY: Miami Beach Parking Officer Tickets Hatzolah Ambulance, Threatens To Tow Vehicle [SEE THE VIDEOS]

A Miami Beach Parking Enforcement Officer ticketed a parked Hatzolah ambulance and tried to have the emergency vehicle towed, Monday night.

Sources tell YWN that the Inspector issued citations to the ambulance claiming it was a “commercial vehicle” and was not allowed to be parked on a street.

This ambulance is one of the fleet of Hatzolah ambulances parked strategically around the city to enable a fast response time to treat patients calling for medical assistance. It has been parked on Pine Tree Drive and 40th Street for more than a month now. It is unknown what prompted this enforcement officer to take this ridicules action.

Hatzolah members attempted to reason with the man, explaining that this is a Florida State Certified ambulance, but the officer refused to listen.

Additionally, he ticketed the vehicles belonging to two Hatzolah volunteers who were parked there to service the ambulance. He claimed that they had magnets on the sides of their vehicle labeling their vehicle as “Hatzolah”, and were therefore “commercial vehicles”.

Sources tell YWN that Hatzolah is having a meeting with Miami Beach City officials on Wednesday morning,

This is just one of a few disturbing incidents that Hatzolah in South Florida has had since launching a few months ago.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. The ticket will of course be thrown out and the imbecile officer will be reprimanded. However, I cringed hearing how the yid taking the video was speaking so condescendingly to the officer. Yes, it’s Florida, but we’re still in galus. A little humility please. For the benefit of the rest if us.

  2. They should be fired

    There is no room for brown shirts in America or any society

    Brown shirts are the perfect NAZI candidates, they don’t use any common sense, they just use the law to bully folks

    They are the same ones who will claim “we were JUST following orders”

  3. Why on earth does it matter what colour he was? disgusting racism, which can actually lead to anti-Semitism. I feel ashamed that in this day and age, people are still calling out people due to their colour. I am a proud Black Jewish person and i’ve been subject to abuse multiple times, so please, just don’t cause a chillul hashem.

  4. i am really not understanding the outrage here. the ambulance wasn’t on an active call was it? it is being ticketed bc from what i understand, this is a residential parking zone and the law (i assume) states that commercial vehicles cannot park there. you cant cry antisemitism about everything!! if there is such a rule in place, then no matter how vital we feel the ambulance is parked in a strategic location, Hatzala needs to contact the proper authorities before parking there. The only thing i would call INSANITY is how the frum people in this video are acting. We are guests in Galus.. in case you didnt get the message.

  5. Not defending officer but from the tone of the video takers it apparent Yidden getting a bit too comfortable. Miami starting to look like Brooklyn South.
    YWN, there’s cursing in the 2nd video. If this is still news for the yeshiva world as your name indicates u might wanna take that down.

  6. @rc: there is a difference between a commercial vehicle and a state certified emergency vehicle. That’s why Hatzoloh went through all the hurdles of proper state certification. This has happened in NYC too. Hatzoloh gets ticketed and harassed. Have you ever seen traffic cops do the same to FDNY or other 911-dispatched emergency vehicles?

  7. Not questioning the ridiculousness of the ticket (and that is a situation that should be handled by responsible shtadlanus), but the disrespect shown in the video towards an officer of the law is simply appalling. These are the same officers Jews will be running to to protect them from crime and anti-semitism. Way to go burning bridges with law enforcement.

  8. @DR i dont know the laws, but i dont believe even a state certified emergency vehicle can park on my residental street for days on end… pretty sure that isnt the way its supposed to be.

  9. Oh please. Yes, we are in golus. That does not mean we must tiptoe quietly as if we’re guests in someone else’s property and being tolerated only if we behave ourselves. We are not aliens in America; we are citizens just like anyone else, and it belongs to us just as much as to all its other citizen. We are here by right, not by tolerance, and we are entitled to be treated the same as any other citizen, and to demand that. We do not owe cops any “respect”; they are our employees, not our masters. If they behave respectfully to *us*, we should acknowledge that and treat them accordingly. If not, then not.

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