ABC SUSPENDS WHOOPIE: Goldberg Suspended From ‘The View’ Following Holocaust Comments

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

The actress Whoopi Goldberg has been suspended “effective immediately” for saying the Holocaust was not about race, ABC News President Kim Godwin announced Tuesday night.

“While Whoopi has apologized, I’ve asked her to take time to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments,” Godwin said in a statement.

Goldberg made the initial comments on ABC’s ”The View”‘ program on Monday morning, sparking backlash. Her apology came in a tweet hours later.

“On today’s show, I said the Holocaust ‘is not about race, but about man’s inhumanity to man.’ I should have said it is about both. As Jonathan Greenblatt from the Anti-Defamation League shared, ‘The Holocaust was about the Nazi’s systematic annihilation of the Jewish people – who they deemed to be an inferior race.’ I stand corrected,” Goldberg said.

The video featured is from a previous report.

“The Jewish people around the world have always had my support and that will never waiver. I’m sorry for the hurt I have caused. Written with my sincerest apologies, Whoopi Goldberg,” she said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Give me a break. She clearly had no malice in her heart, she was being a little ignorant and tackling a word (race) which doesn’t have a real-world meaning. I don’t see what the big deal is here.

  2. The Holocaust really isn’t about race, also not about man’s inhumanity to man.
    The Holocaust is about Christians and Christianity!
    There is one huge problem here; everyone is treating the holocaust as if it were a Jewish issue.
    It is not!
    It is a Christian issue!
    Yes, I know, six million innocent men women and children (including members of my family) were brutally murdered in cold blood.
    But that is not the real issue.
    The real issue is that each and every one of these inhuman murderers was a Christian.
    ALL the murderers, Germans, Austrians ,Poles, Ukrainians, Latvians, Slovaks, Romanians, and many others were ALL Christians.
    Born and baptized as a Christian, educated in a Christian educational system, brought up in a Christian society.
    Almost all denominations were represented. And in those days, most people took their Christianity seriously.
    And the whole Christian world did not lift a finger or even raise a protest. They did not even let the refugees escape to their countries.
    The whole Christian world was an implicit participant in this mass murder.
    Instead of remembering the victims we should be asking what it is about Christianity that enabled so many normal human beings to become vicious animals.
    If we really want it to happen “never again” we should concern ourselves with what made it happen in the first place.
    Will we ever have the courage to deal with this issue?
    Or are we afraid of “offending Christians”?

  3. Mimoh nafshoch, if shes dumb, it is an insult to have her preaching “accurate information “ to all of abc’s “educated viewers “, if shes not dumb, than it was malicious anti semitism.
    You choose
    And maybe it was both together ya never know

  4. No, Anon and Besalel. There’s a trope among some of the the woke that the Holocaust was simply “white-against-white crime” and therefore of no importance, allowing Jew-hatred to proceed undisturbed. It needs to be countered head-on.

  5. Here, she said it. From Yair Rosenberg in The Atlantic yesterday: ” Later that day, [Goldberg] joined The Late Show With Stephen Colbert and expanded on these remarks in an uncomfortable exchange, insisting that “the Nazis were white people, and most of the people they were attacking were white people.”

  6. The torah and the nevi’im always refer to the yidden as a goy and an am, meaning a nation and a people. And this is how yidden see themselves in relation to each other, the concept of a nation and a people are that they are united as one, while to belong to the same race, such as the white race, means nothing more than members of that race share certain characteristics common to that race.
    In any case why is the claim that the hatred was not on the basis of race but due to a hatred of the Jewish people such a cause for outrage, she was not saying that the hatred the nazis had towards the Jews was in any way more excusable or understandable if it was not based on race but on a hatred of the Jewish people. So why the outrage and the need for her to “understand” that it was on the basis of race. The fact is that if a yid said the same thing, at most it would be the subject of debate. So the outrage seems to be that a non Jew must understand they can have no understanding about anything related to the holocaust, and that is what she must both apologize for a take 2 weeks off so that she can internalize this “understanding”.

  7. Caryn Elaine Johnson is a closet anti-Semite and should not only be fired, but her career should go down the toilet. She is a terrible racist. Don’t be fooled by her comedy.

  8. It is not a non-issue. And it’s not about Whoopi Goldberg either. It’s about a very widespread perception that needs correction.
    When initially defending her position when her co-hosts called her on it, she says that is wasn’t about race – it was between two white groups.
    That means that there is no such thing as racism against Jews because it targets “whites”. Which basically is saying that anti-Semitism is irrelevant because it’s against “whites”. Or in other words, combating racism does not include anti-Semitism. It cannot go by silently because it’s a mirror of the world’s hypocricy and is an opportunity to expose it.

    -so wrote Harav Elchanan Wasserman , and similarly echoed by Rabbi Avigdor Miller.
    nothing to do with the Christians, racism, or whatever you want.

  10. I doubt she’s an anti-semite so much as an ignoramus.

    Yet, this is a person who took on a prototypical Jewish last name because she thought that was a funny thing. When interviewed about it she has lied about being Jewish.

  11. Disgusting. She made a mistake, gave the sincerest apology I’ve heard in years, and she gets suspended. I hate what our world is coming to. Support Whoopi Goldberg, the true Lion King Hyena! The world is just a bunch of losers! Don’t pay ’em no attention, Whoopi!

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