UPDATE: Waste Management Suspends Employee Who Plowed Snow onto Jews

In a statement given to YWN, the company that employs Donny Klarmann – the man who is alleged to have targeted 2 frum Jews, plowing snow into them on Shabbos – says that it has suspended him while they conduct an investigation into the incident.

“We are aware of an incident that was posted by an off-duty WM employee to his personal social media account,” a Waste Management release says.

“The hateful conduct depicted in this video is unacceptable and does not reflect the values of inclusion and diversity we hold as a company. The employee is suspended while we investigate the incident, but we can confirm that this behavior will not be tolerated from any WM employee and we will not employ those who act in this way.”

Klarmann has denied that he was in any way involved in the incident, claiming that he simply shared the video on his Facebook account.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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