HEADING TO FLORIDA? KASHRUS ALERT: Uber Eats Placing Non-Kosher Restaurants in “Kosher” Section

Visitors to Florida are urged to be hypervigilant when ordering food from Uber Eats, after it was discovered that a number of restaurants listed in the app’s “kosher” section are not under a hashgacha.

For instance, Motek Cafe is listed a kosher restaurant in the Uber Eats app. However, closer inspection reveals that the company isn’t certified as kosher.

At the bottom of the eatery’s description there is a kashrus disclaimer.

“We source only the highest quality grade “A” 100% Glatt kosher eat in all our dishes including chicken, beef, and lamb,” the disclaimer reads. “However, please note we are NOT a ‘certified’ kosher restaurant for various reasons, some of them being: we also serve dairy items on our premises; we do not have a separate kitchen, prep area, or utensils for dairy; we are open on the Sabbath and on most Jewish holidays.”

If you are traveling to Florida, or know of someone traveling to Florida, be aware of this issue so as not to be nichshol.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. This has always been the case on all food ordering apps, This is something I hoped people realize but I guess it bares reminding… google restaurant info before ordering.

    As a side note, KOSHER RESTARAUNTS: Please make your certification plainly visible on your website.

  2. I don’t get this.
    I live in Brooklyn and use Ubereats. I NEVER order without knowing or checking out the establishment first.
    How can anyone blindly trust Uber??? (Doubt there’s מירתת in this setup).
    Furthermore, even after checking the establishment itself, the delivery comes under a seal (tape). If it doesn’t, how/why would you eat it?

  3. When in Toronto recently I put Kosher in a search, and it came up with many places. Not everything was kosher. I think the search is exactly that a search! If the restaurant has “kosher” anywhere in their description it comes up. Anytime ordering from any establishment you should check who is giving the teudah. And especially if having delivery if it isn’t sealed (certainly fleishig) you can no longer eat it. I leave it to the reader to establish what is considered an acceptable seal and or double seal with their own Rav. This warning should not be limited to Florida in any way.

  4. The fact that they’re open on Sabbath, may exacerbate the problem to an even higher degree. Many restaurants are open on Shabbos for pre-ordered Shabbos seudos. If this is one, they could potentially chalila have a clientele that may be patronizing them for Shabbos seudos not realizing that the place advertises that they’re not kosher by virtue that they use the same utensils for meat and dairy! Oy, ah bruch!

  5. This is not new or news. For many years, food and travel bloggers, kashurus agencies, and travel agents have recommended to always check the hashgacha before ordering from any establishment. If one were to look at Uber Eats in nearly any city (the NYC tri-state included), “kosher” restaurants appear for Jewisy style restaurants, including many Halel certified eateries whom claim to also be kosher. If one is truly confused that its problematic to order from a restaurant which serves a Ruben sandwich (corned beef and Swiss cheese) and is open on Saturdays, then respectfully they should avoid eating out altogether. Bring instant soup packages.

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