F FOR FAILURE: More Than a Third of Americans Grade Biden as a Failing President

Joe Biden | (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

A year into his first term as president, more than a third of all Americans say that Joe Biden is failing as commander-in-chief, according to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll.

The survey found that 37% of Americans give the president an “F” rating for his first year, and just 11% gave him an “A” rating. Nearly another third of the country gives him a “C” or “D” rating.

Biden’s disastrous ratings from Americans is even worse than former President Donald Trump’s first year in office, after which he received an “F” ranking from 35% of Americans.

Biden’s worst grades came on the issues of the economy, immigration, and restoring unity, while his best grades came from health care and his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In another concerning finding, 68% of poll respondents said the country is on the “wrong track,” with just 32% saying the country is going in the “right direction.”

Overall, the survey has Biden’s approval rating at 40% with 56% disapproving.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. The filthy treasonous Marxist DemonRats hoisted on the American people a demented Alzheimer diseased treasonous America hating Marxist DemonRat.
    If the American people want to save their once great nation from complete destruction.
    They MUST vomit out every single one of these DemonRats in the coming fall elections.
    G-d should have mercy on us.

  2. Don’t blame Me, I knew he was brain dead years ago! Also I would have normally felt bad about the question James Rosen asked him but considering the way he use to treat people He has it coming. He is a no good #$%&4^#5#938@& !

  3. That means nothing since over a third of Americans voted for Trump. It means Trump supporters don’t like Biden. That isn’t a hiddush.

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