What Is the Impact of International Students on the US Economy?

The continuous increase in the number of international students coming to the US to earn a degree has a prominent positive influence on the economic situation in the country. According to the US Department of Commerce, over $40-50 billion are contributed yearly by international learners. How does it happen?

In the overwhelming majority of instances, international students receive their funds from sources outside the US. Therefore, when they spend the money they get from their families or home governments, they make unnoticeable investments into the US economy. Besides, it is critical to mention that learners who come from different parts of the world to study in America make a great contribution to the technical and scientific research, also preparing local students for long-term business relationships and global careers.

Therefore, while you are reading wowessays premium reviews as you do not want to deal with challenging college assignments, others influence the country’s economy and strengthen technological progress.

However, irrespective of the impressive influence international students have on the US economy and a lot of programs the government launches to attract learners from around the globe, international enrollments have decreased. What are the possible reasons for the decline? How is it possible to improve the situation?

International Students Appreciated in the US

International learners and scholars are valuable assets for the US economy. Additionally, it is vital to highlight that the ability to attract students puts the country in a winning position.

While some people accept it as a fact, others doubt the point, so it is time to give some explanations and make it all clear. First of all, talking about the economic advantages of people coming to study in the US, one should mind the money those people spend on tuition, living and entertainment. Some students start working in the US, but most of them bring their funds from home. Consequently, if learners spend the money they have earned in a different country, they enrich the local economy, making it stronger and more powerful.

Second, it is indispensable to mind that international learners still contribute to the country’s economy even after graduation. A considerable number of American Nobel Prize winners are immigrants who have just gained higher education in the US. Even if the graduates go home to work and develop their careers, they have a lot of connections with America, its people, and its culture. Consequently, they continue influencing the economic situation in the area.

Third, a considerable number of students coming to America from different parts of the world become successful business leaders and entrepreneurs who provide the country with significant funds and donations. They do not only enrich the economy but also influence the reputation of the US in the international arena.

Elon Musk and Satya Nadella are the brightest examples of international students who came to study in the US and managed to transform its economy. The powerful impact they have on the current situation in the country is even hard to estimate.

Finally, it is possible to conclude that irrespective of various stereotypes and misconceptions popular among people, international students are not a burden but a benefit for the country’s economy. No matter if you just read an essayhave.com review and get ready to spend your money on custom academic assistance, or you use other services available in the country, you unconsciously contribute to the economy of the area.

The Causes for the Situation Aggravation

As it has already been mentioned, the number of international learners coming to study in the US has considerably decreased over the years. What are the possible reasons for the tendency? What makes learners give up the idea of getting enrolled in famous institutions and entering local colleges?

Although some people are convinced that the quality of education in America has worsened, it is not an issue. Instead, there are two main factors that influence students’ decisions, including political and social environments. While these problems prevent learners from choosing the US as a destination for academic success, the governments of other countries do not waste time, providing learners with attractive conditions and hilarious requirements to the applicants. Currently, Australia, Canada, and a range of other countries have replaced America.


It is impossible to deny that irrespective of all the issues and possible complications, the US remains to be one of the most appreciated destinations for people who strive to get higher education. Favorable living conditions, reasonable tuition costs, and outstanding post-graduate opportunities make people enter local colleges.

At the same time, it is critical to mention that the economy of the country is still at risk, as the number of learners coming to study here is slowly decreasing. No matter if the learners read paperhelp.org reviews and use the service to deal with the assignments, or they are brilliant students, they are the same valuable for the American economy. However, the ultimate level of competition has a drastic influence on the situation in the US.

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