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Poll: While Democrats Approve, A Majority Of Americans Disapprove Iran Deal

Even supporters of President Obama are more skeptical than the Administration about the deal reached with Iran, in Geneva last Month. However, the President’s supporters and long-life Democrats are more supportive of the deal than the average American, a new poll shows.

In the first wide range poll following the deal, conducted by PEW Research, 43% of Americans disapprove of the agreement between the U.S. and Iran over its nuclear program, 32% approve of the deal, while 25% do not offer an opinion.

But there are substantial partisan differences in opinions about the nuclear agreement. Nearly six-in-ten Republicans (58%) disapprove of the accord, while just 14% approve. Conservative Republicans disapprove of the agreement by a 64%-13% margin and among Republicans who agree with the Tea Party movement, 72% disapprove of the agreement while only 13% approve of it.

By contrast, Democrats approve of the agreement by about two-to-one (50% approve, 27% disapprove) and liberal Democrats approve the deal by 60%-19%.

Among independents, more disapprove (47%) than approve (29%).

The balance of opinion on the nuclear agreement is not much different among those who have heard a lot about it (44% approve, 51% disapprove) and those who have heard a little (36% approve, 45% disapprove), according to the poll. Among those who have heard nothing at all about the nuclear deal, 52% do not offer an opinion.

By roughly two-to-one (62% to 29%), those who have heard at least a little about the agreement (48%) say Iran’s leaders are not serious about addressing concerns over the country’s nuclear program.

Even among Democrats, who approve of the nuclear agreement on balance, there is skepticism about Iranian leaders. Overall, 49% of Democrats who have heard of the agreement say they do not think Iran’s leaders are serious about addressing international concerns; 41% say they are.

(Jacob Kornlbuh – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. Charlie such deals lead to war. Remember Camberlain with Germany or are you forgetting history. What about Moletov Ribbentrop as great deal. Iran is a country that can not be trusted; wake up and smell the coffee

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