NEPOTISM? Eric Adams Defends Giving Brother Top NYPD Post [VIDEO]

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is defending his decision to give his brother, retired NYPD officer Bernard Adams, the position of deputy commissioner, after coming under fire over claims of nepotism.

In an interview, the mayor said his brother’s position would put him in charge of protecting him.

“Let me be clear on this: My brother is qualified for the position. Number one, he will be in charge of my security, which is extremely important to me at a time when we see an increase in white supremacy and hate crimes,” Adams said on CNN’s “State of the Union” program.

“I have to take my security in a very serious way.”

Adams added that the Conflict of Interest Board, a NYC ethics panel, will ultimately decide whether Eric Adams can hire his brother to the position, and the review process is already underway.

In a separate press conference, Adams expounded on his pick for deputy NYPD commissioner.

“Protection is personal. You have an increase of anarchists in this city, country. We have a serious problem with white supremacy. And when you talk about this type of security that I want, it’s extremely unique. I don’t want to be away from my public,” he said.

“I trust my brother. My brother understands me. And if I have to put my life in someone’s hands, I want to put it in the hands of a person that I trust deeply, because that is a very personal process of your security.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. White supremacy. What planet is he on. Who is committing most crimes. If you think Deblasio was bad this guy is far more delusional.

  2. It is nepotism but I don’t see the big deal. It’s not like some majorly better candidate was passed over because of this. I would still vote for Adams even though know that he has been accused of corruption in every single position he ever held. Same way I would vote for Trump despite my opinion of him on a personal level

  3. I think hes trying to defend his decision of appointing his brother so hes over exaggerating on how dangerous it is so he needs his brother to protect him. he hasnt talked like this before so thats my suspicion.

  4. Okay. So here we go. I was wondering how long Adams would be able to hide his race hustling abilities. So Eric is concerned about some White Supremacy assassination attack? Even David Dinkins wasn’t concerned about some white guys taking him out. I see Adams got his talking points from Eric Holder, Biden, and Wray. Adams is such an ingrate. The bum would of never gotten to where he is without the WHITE vote! Is this how he tells his white constituents thank you? His ilk all voted for Maya Wiley. Just another democrat walking in lockstep with the DNC marching orders.

  5. I actually am happy that he got his brother who he can trust to protect him from all the white supremacy attacks here in NYC. There have been too many to keep track of. And also glad that no crimes coming out of the ‘hood.

  6. > Yaapchik

    One has to understanding the “real” meaning of words. This is a country (even if it was on the other coast) that called Larry Elder “the Black face of White Supremacy”. In other words, what that REALLY means (seeing as those Democrats get everything backwards) is that BLM is the Black face of White Supremacy.

  7. Well, well, all who voted for this racist liberal fool and especially those who campaigned with him should be proud of themselves. NYC is turning into a third world country. This fool will be worse than deblasio.

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