FAKE NEWS: CDC Director: Lib Justice Sotomayor Lied About Child Covid Hospitalizations

CDC Director Dr. Rachelle Walensky made it clear on Sunday that claims made by liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor regarding child Covid hospitalizations was completely false.

During oral arguments last Friday in a case over Biden’s vaccine mandates, Sotomayor claimed that the US has “over 100,000 children in serious condition, and many on ventilators” due to Covid-19.

In an interview with Fox News Sunday, Walensky said that the number of children hospitalized because of Covid-19 is more like 3,500 – not even close to the 6-digit figure claimed by Sotomayor.

Walensky also noted that the number of Covid hospitalizations is generally inflated because many patients who were admitted for a completely separate reason end up testing positive for Covid-19, thus automatically qualifying them as a “Covid hospitalization.”

“In some hospitals that we’ve talked to, up to 40% of the patients who are coming in with COVID are coming in not because they’re sick with COVID but because they’re coming in with something else and have had COVID or the omicron variant detected,” Walensky said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. What did you expect from an affirmative action appointee Sonia Sotomayor? She encourages Mothers to murder their babies.

  2. Why does that lady think that changing the topic and dodging the questions will make people comfortable believing what she says????????????????????????

  3. I sure have a lot of faith in that justice now. She seems to know her stuff and be on top of the facts. NOT.
    That’s not the only falsehood they discussed. They also reiterated the lie about protecting “others” from unvaccinated workers. And that omicron is as dangerous than delta. Vax mandates would prevent all cases of covid. Hospitals are overrun The jab prevents transmission. Lots of lies being passed as truth in that courtroom.

  4. Personally I wouldn’t trust “Justice” Sonya Sotomayer nor “Doctor” Rachelle Walensky. Their Justice and Doctor titles are questionable, but both are Cerified Proven Liars.

  5. Sonia is a certifiable genius and expert on the law.

    She did not say 100,000 children are in the hospital or ​on ventilators.

    Since when do the people with Fauci Derangement Syndrome trust what the CDC says?

    Also, please tell me when the YWN rules on Thomas’s claim that unvaccinated young people get/spread COVID less often than vaccinated older people and Gorsuch’s claim that flu kills hundreds of thousands of people every year.

  6. If we wanted to award a SCOTUS Misstatement Medal, Alito would win hands down. He routinely misstates opinions as “facts” in his ‘hypothetical” questions to friendly counsel and even then, get his “facts” wrong. However, its considered bad form for a litigator to “correct” a justice in oral argument versus finding some way later in the argument to enter the appropriate information into the record.

  7. Walensky would have let the mistruth go through if she possibly could. She represents big Pharma and their profits and has no respect for people or for revealing anything she doesn’t have to about the dangers of the c19 shot — or about anything else pharma related.

  8. Jackk, there is recording of her saying it, so what do you mean when you say that she didn’t state that misinformation? I’d say she is among the biased judges to have ever sat on the bench. Do you actually support her anti-Totah values? Liberalism before Yiddishkite for you, my friend.

  9. Sonia is amazing. She is finally able to unite all yidden behind one opinion.

    To be fair, we need to be sure she was quoted correctly. Raise your hand if you were there or watched it. For example, Gorsuch on flu was mis-transcribed and already corrected.

  10. It seems like Dr. Rachelle Walensky was trying to avoid answering the question to confirm that child hospitalizations due to COVID are 3,500, not 100,000. The question i’d like answered is why did she avoid answering? To use any opportunity to promote vaccination? Something intrinsically bothers her about lower childhood hospitalizations due to Covid?

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