AOC Has COVID Days After Partying MASKLESS In Miami

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a statement from her office on Sunday night.

According to a statement, the Congresswoman is recovering from the virus at home and is experiencing symptoms. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez received her booster shot in the fall, according to the statement.

Just last week AOC came under fire after she was spotted MASKELESS partying all over Miami.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Why does she have to advertise it and make such a matzav???

    We wish her:

    A speedy recovery
    A double mask that shuts her vile mouth forever
    10-20 more boosters if she manages to get out alive

  2. I highly doubt she “parties” she’s a senator not a college student, also who doesn’t have covid at this point no matter how careful a person is being.

  3. Oh goody goody.
    Wait a minute. This is obviously fake news. This doesn’t fit the narrative put out by the DNC controlled White House. ONLY evil white racist Republican males get Covid! Only anti vax talk show hosts get Covid. Only MAGA domestic terrorist people get Covid. A fully vaccinated female “victim” such as AOC can not get Covid. Please remove this slanderous report.

  4. I hope she has a speedy recovery so that all Republicans will be able to continue dating her. Sick bartenders are no fun to date.

  5. reply to HarryYid: yes she was PARTYING without a mask. Photos abound, google and you’ll see them, try “gets HUGE kiss at packed Miami drag bar”

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