Israeli Doctor In New York: “Hospitals Are On Verge Of Collapse”

Patients and medical workers outside the emergency room at NYU Langone Medical Center, New York (Photo: AP)

An Israeli doctor living and working in New York said that the health system in the city is slowly collapsing, Ynet reported.

Dr. Amos Dodi, an ICU and pulmonary disease expert affiliated with the Montefiore Medical Center, told Ynet that the hospitals are working with reduced staff, which prevents additional wards from opening and negatively affects patient care.

“We observe an increased demand on the health system, which we do not expect to change and are simply obliged to compromise the quality of care,” he said.

Dr. Dodi added that internal medicine wards are overflowing and patients are lying on beds in the hallways.

“We are struggling with maintaining sterile areas at the moment,” he said.
“People may be infected with COVID in our emergency rooms and we’ve already had to intubate some in the hallway. This is a sign of the health system collapsing.”

“These patients, some still in moderate condition, will deteriorate and because our ICU’s are full, we will have nowhere to treat them. This will certainly cause unnecessary deaths.”

Dr. Dodi also addressed the rise in hospitalizations in children 18 and younger. “The increase in pediatric hospitalizations is about three times larger than the increase in other age groups.  Some 50% of the kids do not have underlying conditions so this is an increase in serious morbidity compared to previous waves.”

“We know that unvaccinated people are three times more likely to become ill, and five times more likely to need hospital care,” he said. “The problem is that only 25% of children aged 12 to 17 are fully vaccinated and in the 5 to 11 age group the percentage is even lower. We see that 50% of our pediatric cases are in children under the age of four.”

Dodi said that life in New York is continuing but there are fewer people out on the streets.
“New York would not bounce back from another closure after the damage caused to it over the past two years,” he said. “Children are going to school and people who must, go to work. There is less traffic on the streets and less people out and there are also very long lines at testing sites.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Maybe the reasons are because many doctors and nurses and have left or been fired for not succumbing to the vax mandates, and many people are trying desperately to schedule surgeries that were forced to be put off the past 2 years, and the ERs are typically flooded anyway with illegals and others using it as the go-to place instead of a primary care doctor or even an Urgent Care center.

  2. When have the hospitals not been on “verge of collapse”?

    Before corona they were yelling that hospitals are on the verge of collapse to get people to take the flu vaccine, now they are yelling bc not enough people are dumb enough to get the experimental shot for Corona, for which the info will be released… when did they say? In 90 year about??

  3. Mindful,
    could you check how full ICUs are in your local hospital now and before and report here, please?
    This information should be available

  4. This is a total and complete fabrication. I can tell you the hospitals aren’t anything NEAR full, much less ‘overflowing’. Sure this ‘doctor’ isn’t Goebbels??

  5. Are these kids vaxxed? Probably are and are suffering from the effects of it. The untold hidden story of the devastation the shots are causing so many and especially kids.

  6. Just curious…

    Does anybody personally know any children currently hospitalized for Covid?

    I mean, our community has lots of kid, BH. We also have lots of non-vaxed families. Wouldn’t you think, if any of this was true, that we should all know a few children in the hospital for Covid, ch”v.

    I do know a lot of kids who had Covid. All were either asymptomatic, or less sick than the flu.

    And btw, from all the people I know, there is absolutely no difference in the severity of this round of Covid amongst those who vaxed or those who did not. In fact, I know more vaxed people that got this Covid than those recovered patients with natural immunity who did not vax. Maybe the vax makes one more susceptible to this Covid.

  7. Of course, if they would at least not outright ban known-safe treatments for Covid that would keep people out of the hospital, and if they would at least not mandate the Covid shots that have brought so many to the hospital, then none of this alleged “collapse” would happen.

    But the propaganda keeps coming on…

  8. If, and only IF the hospitals are on the “verge of collapsing” , consider the following facts:

    A large number of Frontline docs and nurses have stepped down or been fired after witnessing horrific adverse reactions to the so called vaccines . (Read countless testimonies) and would rather give up their careers than obey the vaccine mandate.

    The Biden Administration has dumped loads of illegals in our major cities (who, BTW, don’t need to vaccinate), and many of them who are uninsured end up in our clinics or ER’s.

    Many patients with preexisting conditions who find themselves in hospitals have, btw also tested positive to Omicron- which doesn’t say anything.

    Biden is spending billions of dollars to advertise this propaganda and many pockets are being lined with $’s.

    So this article is just trying to sell us a bunch of rubbish.
    Don’t get drowned in this mass psychosis.

  9. All I heard was the Dr. Dodi admitted to compromising the care of HIS patients. This is certainly NOT a statement about the excellent work, perseverance, dedication and outstanding care of doctors and hospital staff all across New York City.

  10. Enough of fear mongering! Pretty much everyone I know does not believe a word coming out of the CDC, will not take this “vaccine”, and surely will not allow their kids to be injected. No way!

  11. Maybe because the west has led a rebellion against the Torah. Number one reason is same gender legal marriage according to Midrash Rabbah Bereishis 26. This was the reason 4100 hundred years ago for the great flood of Noach.

  12. How many of these children in the hospital with Covid were actually brought to the hospital due to Covid? And how many came for other issues and were tested upon admission and found to have Covid? That’s an important piece of information that would help parents make a more informed decision, and is being withheld. That is called fear-mongering.
    As has been the case all along, just follow the money trail… 🙁

  13. interesting opinions here, some more believable than others – could one of you bother to bring numbers to support your views?
    for example, how full are ICUs in your area?
    how many nurses stepped down disgusted by vaccines?


    Generally it’s the smart people who ask the questions, but repeatedly asking questions and not listening to the answers is just beating around the bush.
    It’s very important to read between the lines and not repeat stupidities that the media is ramming down your throat.

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