OUT OF CONTROL: New York Shatters Previous Single-Day Covid Records, Hospitalizations Soar

Over 90,000 new Covid-19 cases were recorded in New York on Saturday, smashing through the state’s previous single-day record, set on New Year’s Day, which was 5,000+ plus less than Saturday’s case count.

State records were not broken for more than a week because of lack of testing over the holidays, but single-day case counts have now been consistently over 75,000 for four consecutive days.

Prior to December, New York State had never had more than 20,000 cases in a single day, but the state has now had over 20,000 cases each day since December 16th.

Additionally, hospitalizations in New York rose to nearly 12,000 on Saturday, up almost 300 from Friday, and nearly 3,000 more than a week ago.

A New York State report released on Friday showed that child hospitalizations are the fastest rising in New York, with the majority of hospitalized children being unvaccinated.

In the last week of 2021, hospital admissions for kids who are not yet eligible for a vaccine (ages 0-4) were up nearly 800%, and hospitalizations among 12-18 year olds was up over 1000%.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. I honestly don’t believe a word the media reports. Numbers mean nothing when they test every single person who walks in no matter why they came in. Furthermore PCR tests are unreliable. Also I don’t know a single child who had serious covid- and I know several immune compromised kids who contracted the virus. This is all just a drive to get people to take their kids for these dangerous unnecessary shots which don’t even work for omicron. Every vaccinated person I know, boosted and not, has gotten covid at this point. The media is in cahoots with big pharma and just wants people running for more and more shots. Take the baby, take the dog, take your neighbors by force and ban them from your home if they don’t agree.

  2. To clarify, NY, Chicago and a couple more cities were the first in December to be hit by Omicron in US. First, only the cases were rising while hospitalizations and deaths were not. Furthermore, hospitalization number were suspect because hospitals test everyone and it was unclear what percentage of hospitalizations are due to incidental testing. As of now, curves of deaths, hospitalizations, number of total people in ICUs are proportional to number cases in all of these cities. In NY, they are 1:1, that is number of bad cases grew as much as cases, in Chicago it is 1:2, that is Omicron produced half of expected bad cases. Unvaccinated are still 5-10 times more likely to get a bad case than vaccinated even as the rates for both groups increased proportionally.

    As old people are the main driver of bad cases, look around if there are older or middle-aged unvaccinated people around you and try to have them go vaccinated and do not send kids to them.

  3. Dr. Robert Malone, M.D. (co-inventor of mRNA technology and well-known virologist and immunologist) just released the following statement in his article, ‘Think Twice Before You Vaccinate Your Kids’:

    “These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including their brain and nervous system, their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots, their reproductive system, and this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system.”

    Their reproductive system? Not a minor concern.

    According to Ph.D. researcher in Israel, Jessica Rose, there are currently 43,350 women who have filed reports to VAERS for female reproductive issues in the context of the COVID-19 ‘injectable products,’ as she calls them. Most people do not report, and most doctors have no idea what the CDC VAERS system is because they’re not trained to report adverse reactions, even though it is a crime not to do so – therefore, most adverse events are silenced and this 43,350 is only a fraction of real-world events.

    For anyone who wants to downplay the importance of VAERS, let’s hear how you’d like to see vaccine adverse reactions reported? What would you suggest as an alternative? Or do you believe that adverse events (and even deaths) are not worthy of reporting at all? Should there be any accountability? Or should we just inject the entire population with an unknown substance every month to avoid ‘covid’ and have no system to document adverse reactions? The CDC put VAERS into place years ago not because the drug companies asked for it, but because the population demanded it. The population today is very different from the population of the past.

    Dr. Alison Edelman of the Oregon Health & Science University just completed a study showing that getting a COVID-19 vaccine is linked to a change in the menstrual cycle among women. What parent would give their child this unknown injectable causing known menstrual irregularities (a.k.a. hormonal changes) in women and girls? Menstrual cycle = reproductive health.

    everyones fine. No death.
    The only thing out of control is the media/left’s
    Desparate last sad ridiculous attempt to perpetuate the fear as ling as they can so they can mandate, mandate, mandate.
    Face it…..its over folks.
    No one’s moved anymore by these stats.
    If anything it just brings home the fact that its over.

  5. Many people are justifiably confused about all statistics thrown around. Indeed, it is not clear what cases are measured, how this changes when everyone needs to test for school/work on one hand, and using home tests that are not included in stats. There are 100 ways to create doubt, so we need to stick to what is EMES (on stable legs) rather than chasing 100 types of unstable SHEKER that keeps crushing on us.

    There are some numbers that, I think, you can trust, so check those in your area:
    1) Number of TOTAL people in ICU (not marked up “with covid”, but total). These numbers went up several times before and, unfortunately, are going up again in many places. This can not be explained by how covid is measured. This number usually follows cases by 2-3 weeks behind and you can see then whether cases were real or not. Look up for your area.
    2) Excess deaths, computed from death certificates. In US, this number stands as 15% of all deaths, which comes up as of now to 0.3% of population, or 1 MLN total. Some of that is due to extra deaths from drugs (estimated as 30K), alzheimer (60K). The rest 900K for covid is very close to the official number of COVID deaths
    3) difference in hospitalization and death between vaccinated and unvaccinated. All research that compares these values by age comes to the same conclusion: 5-15 times difference for all age groups.

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