Mi K’Amcha Yisroel: Serious Car Crash And Klal Yisroel’s Heroes

Dear Klal Yisroel,

First of all I want to thank Hashem for allowing me to dictate these words.

My story is less than 48 hours old when this past Sunday I was traveling for work with a few colleagues to a destination out of state. The rough winter weather on the dark snowy highway made our driving extremely challenging and we decided to find a hotel to sleep at and wait for better weather before continuing.

Hashem wanted differently and on the way to the hotel we spun out of control on the icy Virginia Highway and we hit the guard rail with such extreme force that out car flipped over three times.

I was sitting in the back seat and thrown around so much and when the car finally came to a stop I realized I could not not move.

After what seemed like forever, the Police and Fire rescue teams worked to pull me out from our destroyed rental car and transferred me to a small local hospital.

I could not breathe.

I had no clue what was happening. To say I was scared is mamish an understatement.

Not knowing what was happening and being many hundreds of miles from home as doctors were poking and prodding me with needles and tubes to try to save my life, my co-workers called Hatzulah in New York to try and see if they could arrange some way to get me to a top hospital close to home.

Before I knew what was happening, I see heimishe Hatzulah members from NY in my hospital and they told me they are flying me to NY and worked out the transfer to Bellevue Hospital Trauma Center with the local hospital.

I could not believe my eyes. With all my ribs broken and a chest tube and who knows what else in me, I was on the way to the airport where I saw the most incredible sight of my life. A HATZOLAH AIRPLANE. I know they have ambulances but an airplane??? I am still totally speechless!

I started crying for the first time, only this time tears of thanks to HKBH for not only saving my life but for sending these beautiful Malachim to rescue me and bring me home.

With the help of my wife and family from my hospital bed I want to shout out my Hakuras Hatov to the world for all the good Hashem has done for me these last 2 days and for the incredible Hatzolah Air team who took such incredible care of me.

I have no words.

A really appreciative Yid from Williamsburg.

YWN Editors note: We managed to reach Eli Rowe from Hatzolah Air to confirm the details of this story and he advised us that this flight was one of 7 flights Hatzolah flew yesterday making it their busiest day of flying with multiple planes in the air at the same time.

Mi Keamcha Yisroel!


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. We don’t have to, haphazardly, degrade every person who happened to be born to a Non-Yiddishe mother, in order to relate this story.
    We must remember that HKB”H knows, that it was members of the Umos Ho’olom that became Chasidei Umos Ho’olom, who risked their life in order to save people who belonged to a different ethnicity.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing with us such a wonderful story and an amazing miracle.
    May Hashem send to Avraham a quick and speedy recovery.
    Hatzalah, we love you.

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