NYC Mayor Adams To Reinstate Plainclothes Anti-Gun Unit [VIDEO]

NYC Mayor Eric Admas vowed new NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewel will focus on public safety and justice, both for long-term and right now.

“We are going to zero in on gangs, we are going to re-institute a plain-clothes anti-gun unit and zero in on those guns,” Adams told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday.

He said it is part of his mission to aggressively go after those who carry violent weapons.

“I say it all the time, the pre-requisite to prosperity is public safety and justice, my city is going to be safe,” Adams said.

“We know who the bad guys are in this city and we know where the gun violence is stemming from. And we’re going to zero in on that location. Not what we did before.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. More important than any other single action is not within his control. The NY STATE legislature has to modify the bail reform legislation and stop the “revolving door” for repeat offenders. While it is arguably rational to eliminate cash bail for poor first-time non-violent offenders, it is totally irrational to put those charged with violent crime or repeat offenders out the door w/o bail. Sadly, I don’t think any of the candidates in the Dem primary will address the issue given the likely political consequences among “progressive” NY Democratic voters.

  2. To Gadolhadorah: Someone who is generally as sensible as you should have a better understanding of bail reform. We cannot lock up people who are not convicted of a crime. If we cannot try people within 30 days of their arrests, we need more courts, more judges and more prosecutors. And I have yet to see any reliable information on how many people free on bail, or free without bail, actually commit crimes while other charges are pending against them.

  3. If courts are too busy and can not process all arrested, there is a simple solution: defund the police and reduce number of arrests!

  4. Challenging the external “in the face”manifestations of societal decline without getting at the root – that is the values and underpinnings of the said Society, is easier way of going about things might have some short-term results and are cute but in the long run are bound to fail inevitably

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